Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2- The Ugly History of Planned Parenthood

2- The Ugly History of Planned Parenthood
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012
By Stacey Long in afaJournal, October, 2012 -American Family Association,  www.afajournal.org

“To Culbreath this proves that African-Americans are targeted in the “reproductive racism [of] Margaret Sanger, [who] was a racist, an eugenicist - she believed in the preservation of superior races, which did not include people that look like me.”

“The lie: abortion is a solution: Planned Parenthood deceives African-American women into leading the country’s abortion rates with ragged promises of economic advancement, health care provisions and freedom from personal burdens. However, Culbreath said these promises are bankrupt. “It has not changed unplanned pregnancies or the economic status of African-Americans,” he asserted. “ I don’t think that was their agenda at all, but part of their masterful marketing.”

“Despite its claims, Planned Parenthood is not interested in the well-being of women. “Abortion is not health care,” Culbreath insisted. “They do not even acknowledge post-abortion issues. They want you to have this short procedure and then go on with your life, when women, men and families are impacted for years to come. They try to convince them it gets rid of a problem, but don’t inform them it creates a whole host of new problems.”

“The cost: physical, emotional pain: As a young black woman, LaTonia Jackson, community coordinator at Protecting Black Life, has experienced the pain of abortion firsthand.

“It was the summer before my junior year of high school, and abortion was the only solution offered to me,” she told AFA Journal. At the abortion facility, I asked if there were other options, but they convinced me abortion was the best. During the ultrasound, I had questions, but they would not answer my questions clearly or let me look at the screen.

“If they cared about my well-being, they would have told me of the emotional problems and health complications that could result from abortion. Immediately after I left the clinic, the reality that I just killed my child hit me like a ton of bricks. I struggled with breakdowns triggered by anything that reminded me my baby was aborted. Two years later, I received emergency surgery on my uterus due to complications from the abortion.”…

“The fruit: genocide - Culbreath said it not difficult to ascertain the abortion industry’s true agenda by looking at its fruit. “What we see is that abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community,” he said. “There are more Planned Parenthoods in black communities than in any other community. So, they can say their real agenda is anything they want, but what is the fruit from that tree?”

“Planned Parenthood’s fruit is over 1,600 black children aborted daily, 16 million black blacks aborted since 1973 and 35% of all abortions coming from the black 13% of the U.S.A.

Culbreath concluded that “based on their current modus operandi, they would [like to] decide that minorities would die and that majorities, or healthy white people, would live.

“Another unfortunate reality is that taxpayers subsidize this genocide. According to American Life League, the abortion provider’s 2010 annual report reveals that it received $487.4 million in government grants, up 34% from 2009’s $363.2 million.

“ALL executive director Paul Rondeau said, “We encourage contacting elected contacting elected representatives… to demand that they stop funding Planned Parenthood, and, in particular, stop a little known one billion dollar abortion superfund set out in section 1303 of Obamacare. A phone call is one of the most powerful things constituents can do to influence their elected representatives…”

George H. Kubeck, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is a clone of Planned Parenthood. A vote for her is a vote for Planned Parenthood. I believe that at least 20% of her voters think she is pro-life.

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