Tuesday, October 2, 2012

An Enemy of the American People

An Enemy of the American People
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Guardian Angels Memorial - Tues., Oct. 2, 2012

Pat Caddel was President’s Jimmy Carter’s pollster. Pat called the mainstream media an enemy of the American people. Specifically, for not informing the American people of what happened with the terrorist attack of our embassy in Libya on Sept. 11th. This successful terrorist attack by Al Qaeda was not reported to the American people.

That is a devastatingly most serious charge! Why not a report on what actually happened? It would hurt Obama’s presidential campaign. That is not a reason we have a free and responsible press. There are studies that I have written about in the past that show the news media can influence from 5 to 10 percent of the vote in an election. This is not fair.

Already in 2008, there was evidence that journalism is dead. If that is the case we cannot survive as a free people. First of all the mainstream media is not elected. They are supposed the give us honest news and not slanted. They seem to be a secular humanist mouth piece that promotes the culture of death. They fear a Romney victory would put a temporary halt to the advancement of this nation’s culture of death. For us it’s anybody but Obama. The world has had tragic experiences with a propaganda press.

Study what happened in Stalin’s Communist Russia where they had PRAVDA which was an enemy of the people of Russia. And in Germany, we had Hitler’s mouthpiece the Goebbels’s propaganda machine.

It would help if you recall the Islamist-terrorist massacre at Fort Hood by one man. I had written about it in the past and on Sept. 18, 2012 - The Fight for Our Lives.* What is frightening in Bill Bennett’s book is that President Obama directed the following people who signed the report to lie and say the massacre was done by a lone gunman?* The mainstream hasn’t got the guts to inform the American people of the truth. It seems that any terrorist attack is not to be reported or is to be watered down.

*This report is an official publication of the secretary of defense and a commission that included a former secretary of Veterans Affairs, a former chief of Naval Operations, three other admirals, a general in the U.S. Air Force, two colonels in the U.S. Air Force, two generals from the Marine Corps, a general in the U.S. Army, and a rear admiral from the Coast Guard… [Why did they lie for President Obama] p. 14

“… as concisely summarize by Ralph Peters: “Hasan’s superiors feared - correctly - that any attempt to call attention to [Hasan’s] radicalism or to prevent his promotion would backfire on them, destroying their careers, not his. Hasan was a protected-species minority. Under PC tyranny of today’s armed forces, no non-minority officer was going to take him on. p. 15

“The Fort Hood massacre and its official report places in sharp relief a larger and more ominous point … of this book*: through our cultural and political actions, we are not now as a country on a serious war footing against our enemies, Islamist terrorist; but, rather, we are abnegating the cultural, policy, and rhetorical responsibilities of rational self-defense.” OBAMA IS IRRATIONAL.

George H. Kubeck, The enemy No. 1 in this election is Obama’s media. My sign going back to Reagan reads: Vote Against the Candidates & Issues that Hollywood & the News Media Supports.

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