Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Catholic Voting Guide

The Catholic Voting Guide
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012

Preface: There is a serious controversy going on with respect to the Catholic voting guides. Ref. http://cal-catholic.com/wordpress/2012/10/11/lets-be-clear-about-confusion It seems that Bishop Steven Blair is on the hot seat: He says: “Forming Consciences of Faithful Citizenship is the ONLY authentic voting guide for Catholics. That means Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics, the Test of Fire Video, and anything from CatholicVote.org, Catholic.com [Catholic Answers]. EWTN, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good [A George Soros funded group] or any other private organization is not the official voting guide for Catholics.” [Check out the poignant commentaries.]

We are the land of the free and the home of the brave. So when I became an American citizen in 1962, I did not come to be an Obama European or even a Canadian/American socialist. Let’s do away with hyphenated-Americanism. The HHS Mandate has changed everything. It is the tip of an iceberg of deceit not only in religion but everything emanating from this administration. Sadly, at least 13 so-called Catholic politicians in the Senate voted to remove conscience protection from Obamacare. There were about 60 in the Congress including Nancy Pelosi, Loretta and Linda Sanchez who did likewise. In California we have a serious problem.

It seems to me that the bishops’ voting guide Forming Consciences of Faithful Citizenship for this 2012 Presidential election is totally inadequate and obsolete. It was a dismal failure in 2008 when almost 54% of Catholic voters voted for Obama and his allies the Catholic-in -name-only politicians. They voted to end any prejudice to get a Black American for President. Hopefully, they will do likewise for a Mormon to be elected.

They are the Catholics Pretend, Sacred Cows and Bulls, fake and fraudulent Catholic politicians. They are responsible in part for 10% of the population being ex-Catholics. With their defeat at the polls, we will make great progress with evangelization in the Year of Faith. The CINOP is an albatross around the neck of the U.S. Catholic Church and in particular the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Also, in California it was the Catholic vote that reelected pro-abortion-same-sex marriage Senator Barbara Boxer. Will they reelect Feinstein? In 2008 American voters were sucked in with the hope & change propaganda, the same way Catholic voters in Italy and Germany were duped with those two demagogues Mussolini and Hitler in the 1930’s.

We must stay away from the land of Oz and the twilight zone that these leftist progressives live in. For them windmills, environmental causes, green energy and climate change are the commandments of true believers. This is their daily religion. They want to brainwash us into their religion and even in defeat we must see through them. Never vote them into office particularly if they are members of the ACLU.

It has been said that the deepest prejudice of liberals and progressive is their contempt for faithful Catholic believers. But the two-face-double-standard news media just love Catholic political pretenders whom they support, protect & help reelect. Journalism is dead. The media promotes the culture of death and makes fools of Catholic voters in California.

George H. Kubeck, Socialism is a sick idea whether it is in the U.S.A., Canada or any other part of the world. Recall the words of Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen on communism. Vivat Jesus

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