Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life Life Video* Surfaces on Obama

Life Video* Surfaces on Obama
Truth and Righteousness - cinops be gone - Wed. Oct. 10, 2012

Preface: I wish we had a pro-life President. Then I wouldn’t have to bug you daily with e-mails. I would not have to post weekly at abortion mills in Long Beach and Lakewood: “Life is the First Inalienable Right”, “Abortion Hurts Women“, and what is most poignant:


And all of this is occurring under this so-called Black President. Honestly, he is not really the first Black-American President. He is the first Black-White American President for his mother was white and his father was African. President Obama doesn’t care about renewing Black families and keeping their unborn children. One day, we will have a Black American President who cares; and it is most likely that our next President cares. Firstly, Romney will defund “Planned Parenthood” of over 400 million dollars it gets each year from the government monies borrowed from China.

*Video surfaces: Obama says unborn child is ‘potential life,” by P. B. Craine-

As President Obama steps up his outreach to moderate, independent, and faith-based voters in the final weeks before the Nov. 6th election, a new video has surfaced where he calls the unborn child a “potential life” and argues that viability is a “moving target.”

Published by David Brody of CBN News today, the video was taken at a 2004 campaign event in Springfield, Illinois.

“My basic view is that abortion is an extraordinary difficult moral issue. As a Christian, I think that a fetus is not just a collection of cells. It is a potential life,” he says.

“And I think that after viability it is legitimate for the state to prohibit late-term abortions as long as there is an exception to the mother’s life and health. Prior to viability, the problem is that this potential life is inside someone else’s body. It’s inside a woman’s body,” he continues. “And I don’t feel that it is appropriate for me to simply dictate to that person, to that woman should do with her body… “During the 2008 campaign, Obama told Christian pastor Rick Warren that it is “above my pay grade” to determine when an unborn child is eligible for human rights.

“In this most recent video he takes a more circumspect approach to late-term abortion than he did in a 2003 interview uncovered this summer. In that video Obama was asked by a reporter if he is “pro-choice” even in terms of late-term abortions, to which he replied bluntly, “I am pro-choice. I believe that women make responsible choices and they know better than anybody the tragedy of a difficult pregnancy and I don’t think that it’s the government’s role to meddle in that choice.”

“In another video from 2003, he states: “I voted no on late-term abortion ban, not because I don’t recognize that these are painful issues but because I trust women to make these decisions.” “Obama has also been accused of supporting infanticide because of his repeated votes against the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which would have protected children who are alive in the course of an abortion.”

Comments from Readers:

Ursula Pasche Stouffer: “When his wife felt his daughter’s kicking before they were born, were those just ‘potential kicks’, since it’s only a potential life, or where they REAL kicks from a REAL baby?”

Amanda Shields: “He calls himself a Christian, yet he believes that an unborn child is not a life and that abortion isn’t wrong? This man runs our country… scary.”

Wade Hudgins: “This man believes in infanticide. He has no respect for human life.”

Phylax: “Laws against infanticide are ancient among European-derived peoples; we are not allowed the choice to kill our offspring. English Common Law prohibited abortion after “quickening”, that is to say, proof of life was established when the baby was felt to move…

George H. Kubeck

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