Sunday, October 28, 2012

3 - The Case Against Loretta Sanchez

3 - The Case against Loretta Sanchez

Justice is truth in action - cinops be gone - Sunday, Oct. 28th, 2012

Preface: California is a state similar in population with Texas. Sadly, as a retired public school teacher, California is intellectually, morally, & financially bankrupt. If proposition 30 does not pass we will all feel it. But California can be redeemed, if it passes Proposition 32 which will restore integrity to the teaching profession. Without integrity, there is no teaching. Also, thank God the presidential elections will not be decided in California!

2. The next Congress will again be a Republican controlled Congress. What can Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez do to influence this Republican Congress? Nothing, absolutely nothing! The 46th Congressional District will have no input.

3. Her opponent in this race is Republican Jerry Hayden who will be honored to represent all American voters in the 46th Congressional District and in particularly the Latino and Vietnamese citizens. Believe me the Republican leadership including President Mitt Romney will be elated, proud and listen with attentive ears to this newly elected Congressman Hayden. Without doubt the registered Democratic voters know this and the smart ones could very well elect Hayden with their vote. There is need for a change!

4. What is most disturbing with Loretta Sanchez during the last two years are her votes in Congress, so contrary to the values of the District. She goes along with the President Obama’s feelings that same-sex marriage is the equivalent to a normal marriage between a man and woman. That’s a gross insult to the culture Loretta grew up with parents and grandparents. Also, let’s not think of her votes for partial-birth/infanticide abortion.

5. What is particularly shameful is her support of Planned Parenthood. Indirectly, she is promoting black racism. Does she not know that 1600 black babies are aborted each day in America? I have my signs at the abortion mills reading 1000 each day. I have to change them for accuracy. On judgment day I don’t want her to have black genocide on her hands.

6. I know she tried to follow the Catholic Church in trying to pass Obamacare, but definitely not to include abortion as part of health care. Then she voted in Congress not to give protection to doctors and health care workers with respect to their conscience rights and freedom of religion as stated in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. That is wrong.

7. Indirectly, the President went ahead with the HHS Mandate because of the votes of Catholic-label Congresspersons like herself. You can’t let the President divide Catholics like he is doing now. President Obama is making fools of sincere Catholic voters.

8. We are all Americans even the truly uniformed who may vote for Obama. There is an Obama election video which I viewed saying that voting for Obama is like losing your virginity to a really cool guy. What an insult to all the ladies in America!

9. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama and his Czars want to change the very soul of being an American and yes the very soul of each one of us. But, we now know who he is!

George H. Kubeck

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