Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Christian Criteria for Correct Voting

Christian Criteria For Correct Voting
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wed. Oct. 24, 2012


“There is objective and absolute TRUTH. Jesus Himself said, “I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.” Truth can be discovered in Jesus Christ, in His Mystical Body, the Church, through the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church presided over by the Vicar of Christ, the Holy Father, the Pope…

“A simple and easy-to-remember ACRONYM for the choice of political candidates in the simple 5-letter monosyllabic word C.E.A.S.E. Each of the five individual letters expresses what are termed the “Non-negotiables” - meaning that these actions in and of themselves are intrinsically evil, seriously sinful and offensive to God the creator,…

“CLONING: The human person should not come into existence through biological engineering in a scientific laboratory uniting the procreative material of some anonymous woman and some anonymous man, hoping for the best results. No! The human person must come into existence through the loving and mutual embrace of a man and woman, husband and wife, married sacramentally, from which results the conception of a human person with an immortal soul and an eternal destiny. The end does not justify the means.

“EUTHANASIA: All human life is precious because human life come from God as one of His most precious gifts. God gives life and only God has the right to take it away. Euthanasia, sometimes called “Mercy-killing” proposes ending lives that seem to be on longer productive in the eyes of the world… [Euthanasia is on the Mass. Ballot in Nov.]

“Abortion: The primary criteria that should motivate all followers of Jesus in the casting of the should be the posture on human life from its inception. Abortion is the taking of the life of an innocent baby. Murder, killing, infanticide, are other words for this atrocious reality…

“SAME SEX MARRIAGE: The future of the society depends on the primary fundamental and basic “mini-society” that we call family. Blessed Pope John Paul II stated that the family is the basic cell of society and that the society depends on the solidity of the family. An authentic family is composed with the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony for the purpose of procreating children and raising them as noble citizens for this world and the kingdom of heaven… In the beginning God created man and woman… It was “Adam and Eve” and not “Adam and Steve.”

“EMBRYONIC CELL EXPERIMENTATION: Babies being created in the context of scientific laboratories, once again is against the Natural Law as well as the Divine Law. We reiterate the means by which human life comes into existence is through the mutual and loving embrace of the man and woman, husband and wife in the conjugal act, from which conception is achieved & at the same time Almighty God infuses an immortal soul…

“In conclusion, take a moral guide for voting this simple and clear acronym: C.E.A.S.E. - meaning, we desire that all of these intrinsically immoral practices, “the non-negotiables” be eliminated from the face of the earth… cease to exist these moral evils!…”

George H. Kubeck

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