Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Case against Loretta Sanchez

The Case against Loretta Sanchez

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wed., Oct. 24, 2012

Questions and the Vote by the Congressional House of Representatives in 2011:

For more info from TVC website:


1. Would you vote to restore the District of Columbia’s school voucher program which the Obama Administration had defunded?

2. Would you vote to support an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill prohibiting the use of Pentagon funds in any way or any Pentagon policy changes that will violate the Defense of Marriage Act?

3. Would you vote to prohibit funds from being used to implement the U.S. Navy’s memo/guidelines on same sex marriage for its Chaplains, because these guidelines violate the Defense of Marriage Act by allowing chaplains to perform or facilitate same-sex marriages or marriage like ceremonies on Naval Installations?

4. Would you vote to cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) our nation’s largest provider of abortions?

5. Would you vote to codify and strengthen existing conscience protections for pro-life health care provides and cut off federal funds for abortions (Providers ??) and health insurance coverage of abortion in federal programs?

6. Would you vote to block funding for implementation of the Obama 2010 health care and future funding for expansion for the remainder of 2011?

7. Would you have voted to cut off funds for Planned Parenthood and its affiliates for the remainder of 2011?

8. Would you vote to completely repeal Obamacare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) (PPACA)?

9. Would you vote to prohibit Obamacare from using federal funds to pay for elective abortion or health plans that cover elective abortions as well as increase legal protections for pro-life health care providers who do not wish to participate in providing abortions?

10. Would you vote to support putting America on a more prosperous course by voting for budgets with real spending cuts, entitlement reform, repealing Obamacare, cutting taxes and reining in intrusive federal government (Paul Ryan Budget)?

George H. Kubeck - What is devastating is that all of the Democratic Catholic-in-name-only politicians in California and in Congress voted like Loretta Sanchez? Cry and weep!

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