Thursday, October 11, 2012

The False Catholic Religion of the Sacred Cows

The False Catholic Religion of the Sacred Cows

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012

The Sacred Cows are Catholic leaders within the nation that the U.S. Catholic Church hesitates to publicly criticize and especially the Catholic laity fears to call a spade a spade. They really fear the truth and plain talk. May the evil of division within the Church not come to pass. The reelection of Barack Obama will do it. It is something that the President wants to do. Divide and rule. So let’s have some plain talk on the two Catholic Vice-Presidential candidates debating today for the Office of Vice-President of the U.S.A.

Now V.P. Joe Biden advised Obama not to go ahead with the HHS Mandate. He was overruled and now exists as a foolish puppet who will also now support same-sex marriage besides abortion on demand and pregnancy as a disease which Obamacare will take care of.

We have Joe Biden who is the bull of the Sacred Cows. There are other bulls in the American arena. There is New York’s Governor Cuomo who champions same-sex marriage and abortion on demand. He has also the shameful audacity to post in his office a picture of St. Thomas More who is the guiding light of this blog. Then there is Governor Jerry Brown an unprincipled and misguided Catholic who also promotes abortion on demand and same-sex marriage. Now let’s not forget the Queen of the Sacred Cows, Nancy Pelosi, a witch image for the unborn. She fundamentally does violence to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They all do including the following:

We have Senator John Kerry in Massachusetts where euthanasia is on the ballot and he doesn‘t care about the Catechism of the Church on any matter. Then we have Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois where Catholic adoption agencies had to close. There is also a so-called Catholic Governor of Maryland who is pushing for same-sex marriage.

What a shameful and scandalous lot of fake Catholic politicians in the public square! They are very closely tied in with the Democratic Party and their leftist secularist agenda. I understand that one/third of Catholic registered Democrats are pro-life. It is obvious that they still believe from their parents and grandparents that the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy is still alive. But that party is as dead a door nail.

Now how are these Catholic pretenders going to deal with an authentic Catholic like Paul Ryan. It should be interesting. Paul Ryan is to the false Catholic religion of the Sacred Cows what a popular and authentic conservative Black American politician is to the Obama Democratic Party. They smear. The face of that attack on Paul Ryan will be that of Chicago politics a.k.a. Joe Biden.

Remember with the help of fake Catholic organization like George Soros funded “Catholic United”, Catholics voted close to 54% for Obama in 2008. They need to get a majority again in 2012. Already robot calls have gone out from a group called Catholics for Obama telling listeners that Romney is a Mormon etc. In the battleground states, this false Catholic religion of the CINOP seeks to reduce the number of Catholics or Evangelicals from going to the polls.

We are dealing with a diabolical Democratic Chicago reelection campaign. In Minnesota, Al Franken got elected because over 1000 felons voted in 2010. Al’s vote in Senate passed Obamacare. Even the Catholic Church was deluded in donating over ten million dollars to ACORN years ago.

George H. Kubeck - Today starts the Year of Faith. What excuses are you most likely to use from sharing your faith or not voting for your Faith. The re-election of any CINOP in any diocese in America will a judgment on the failed Catholic Church leadership in that diocese.

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