Wednesday, October 10, 2012

George Weigel - Orange County Prayer Breakfast

George Weigel -Orange County Prayer Breakfast

Truth and Righteousness - cinops be gone - Wed., Oct. 10, 2012

Preface: “Our speaker is a distinguished fellow at the “Ethics and Public Policy.” He has published 50 books and in particular the one on Pope Paul II, “Witness to Hope.” He has received countless rewards. We are incredibly lucky to have him speak this morning.” Father Robert Spitzer, S.J.

“Among Americans there is that deepest prejudice against the Catholics. They are not to be trusted with respect to religious freedom. On Oct. 11th, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vatican Council, and also 20 years of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church.” The Vatican and Catholic religion has been strong with the collapse of Communism in 1989 and in the 1980-1990 positive changes seen in the Philippines and South America.

“However, aggressive secularism is working for a naked public square free of public religious expression. We have the Defense of the Marriage Act, however we have irrational bigotry and religious freedom is under assault. Religious freedom disappears from the State Department and freedom of worship is substituted.

“We have the HHS Mandate. Preventive Health care includes the disease of pregnancy. Why these attacks? There are cultural and legal reasons. During the last 50 years the shift from the secular mind of open-mindedness to secular progressive intolerance. They want the whole public square for itself.

“All of this has deeply infected government and particularly the White House in the three and one-half years. The Supreme Court decisions in the past 65 years have been a factor. In the 1st Amendment we have the two religious clauses. 1) No establishment of a national religion and 2) free exercise of religion.

“In 1947, Supreme Court decision, free exercise became a gift of the government and the “no establishment clause became dominant. Religious freedom is not secure. We now have public mockery of religion and religious freedom.

“WE SHOULD WELCOME THE CHALLENGE, Pope Pius IX, “Let us thank God that he make us live under the present problem. Hence no mediocrity in the defense of religious freedom.” Take up the challenge. Defend conscience rights and religious freedom.

“Bound by truth, ordered to goodness and freedom lived in justice. This government wants a bundle of desires to satisfy people’s feelings. Reject the culture of death. A mild criticism of Planned Parenthood lead to angry criticism. Religious freedom is dumbed down.

“Responsibility society vs. entitlement society. A just and well-ordered society vs. a society of debt and economic stagnation. A hospitality society vs. demagoguery and resigned to terrorists and a politically correct community.

“A call-out for Catholic laity leadership. This is a serious nature of what is happening. What is the act of voting mean for serious Catholics. Political judgment is prudential judgment. Voting is an exercise of moral judgment. Set aside this nostalgia for FDR or Eisenhower. Don’t outsource your moral judgment by voting straight party line. Don’t think only of yourself. Enter the voting booth with serious reflection and moral prayer. The religious liberty concern spoken by the bishops. Voting is a noble privilege.

“The paradox of faith is faith is increased as given to others. Blessings on our unborn children. Mary, most Holy Star of the New Evangelization. Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit… Go and convert the world."

George H. Kubeck

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