Sunday, September 30, 2012

Time Magazine* on Mitt Romney

Time Magazine* on Mitt Romney
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012

*Time - October 8, 2012
Preface: There is a foreboding mood in America. With the Presidential debate coming up on Wednesday. What is the best way to deal with this? I recall a Norman Vincent Peale biblical advice: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding.”
I heard another speaker persuading us to pray daily for the next 40 days for America. And whatever God’s will is; so let it be. If it is dire punishment, we are judged, we deserve it, so let it be.

*Time “… in his (Mitt Romney’s) most expansive discussion of his faith and politics, a 2007 speech delivered at George H. W. Bush’s presidential library, “Some believe that such a confession of my faith will sink my candidacy. If they are right so be it. But I think they underestimate the American people. Americans do not respect believers of convenience. Americans tire of those who would jettison their beliefs, even to gain the world.”…

“I was taught in my home to honor God and love my neighbor …. I saw my parents provide compassionate care to others, in personal ways to people nearby and in just as consequential ways in leading national volunteer movements … My faith is grounded in these truths. You can witness them in Ann and in my marriage and in our family. We are a long way from perfect, and we have surely stumbled along the way, but our aspirations, our values, are the self-same as those of other faiths that stand upon this common foundation. And these convictions will indeed inform my presidency.” …

“The Mormon sense of destiny gives followers a part in a divine story, a larger saga of the conflict between good and evil, infusing their lives with both great purpose and keen pragmatism. Viewing Romney through the lens of the Mormon understanding of history helps explain his ambition, his devotion to personal liberty and his comfort with expediency….

“The Mormons soon heard a prophecy from Smith that exalted religious liberty - a liberty the Mormons desperately needed America to protect and nurture. Smith said God had told him the U.S. Constitution was divinely inspired and that the Founding Fathers were “wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose.”…

“Romney’s commitments to liberty and individualism as organizing American principles also have Mormon origins. “People from all over the world who prized freedom - the innovators, pioneers, the dreamers - came to America,” Romney wrote in No Apology. “And so they continue today … It is this love of liberty and the accompanying spirit of invention, creativity, daring to do, and pioneering that have propelled America to become the most powerful nation in the history of the world.”

“He told faith leaders in September, in a contrast reported by Christianity Today, “When our economy is healthy and growing, we have the resources to take care of those who still find themselves in need.” Moreover Romney said, “Our government rightly provides a safety net for the hungry, the homeless, the sick & the elderly, &we have the responsibility to keep it intact for future generations.

“Romney’s personal engagement in charitable works is formidable. The Mormon church requires its members to tithe 10% of their income to maintain good standing in the church. He and his wife are generous donors: in 2010, the Romneys gave $3 million dollars to charity, 1.5 million of which went directly to the church. The church runs more than 300 employment resource centers and 80 family- services offices. Some 9,800 missionaries work in welfare services, teaching English as a second language…LDS church encourages members to keep a three-to-six month food supply in reserve so the faithful won’t go hungry in case of a natural disaster. Mormon families also forgo two consecutive meals a month and give the money that would have been spent as a “fast offering” for the poor… With fast offerings and tithes, the Mormon system is designed both to make members self-reliant and to follow the biblical mandate to feed the hungry and clothe the naked."...

George H. Kubeck - Maybe all Americans, including Christians can learn something from Mormons?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama's War on Religious Freedom - 2 - No Higher Power

Obama’s War on Religious Freedom - 2 - No Higher Power
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012

This classic and shocking book by Phyllis Schlafly and George Neumayr is available on or or call 618-462-5415, $25. ppd. Here are several significant excerpts:

Religion: Obama is a secularist ideologue first and a Christian second, if at all. (p. 5) His toxic admixture of socialism and secularism - on ideology that he learned from his family, radical professors, his chosen pastor and Saul Alinsky, among others --- explains his habitual violation of the American people’s God-given freedom and portends the even grimmer violation yet to come. (p. 6) The Administration takes the view that contraception and abortifacients are morally good and that the state is perfectly justified in mandating such moral goods. (p. 13)

Character: On one level, Obama appears like a harmless, if glib and empty pol, who careens from focus group to pollster as he stumbles toward a second term. On another level, buried deep within his curious and amorphous personality, he is a man of perverse tenacity, a convinced socialist and secularist who was trained long ago to run the ball into the end zone for radicalism. (p. 18)

Hope and Change: Saul Alinsky’s worldview was that the United States is an oppressive and racist society where most people (the “Have-Nots) are victims of economic injustice with a future of despair. He wanted a radical change of America’s social and economic structure, and he planned to achieve that through creating public discontent and moral confusion. (p. 63)

Islam: Obama’s absurd Islamphobia has worsened America’s relationship with Israel. Obama is forever condemning Israel for this or that act of “brutality” even as he calls Islam a religion of peace. (p. 104) Obama seems to see himself as the cosmopolitan dilittante who stands above all religions and judges their “rationality” by their usefulness to the socialist utopia to come. Islam is a flawless religion by his lights, while Christianity, unless it assumes the platform of the Democratic Party and sees Jesus Christ as a forerunner to Saul Alinsky, is dangerously bigoted and an impediment to progress. (p. 106)

Liberal Elite: In May 2012, Newsweek ran a cover photo of Barack Obama crowned with a halo. ‘The First Gay President,’ beamed the headline below the photo. The smugness and delusion of the liberal elite had reached new heights with their magazine cover. A boast the Founding Fathers would have considered a baffling insult was welcomed by the White House as proof of Obama’s rectitude. (p. 109) Obama’s supposed respect for the integrity of religious ‘sacraments’ isn’t worth taking seriously. Under the nanny state, nothing remains private for long. (p.116)

Social Justice: Left-wing educators have redefined the term to mean teaching for social justice by overthrowing the current money and power structure. Education Week identifies this new meaning of ‘social justice’ as coming from the writings of the British educator Paulo Freire. His best known book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970), is considered a classic text of radical education theory and is regularly assigned in education schools. (p.132) Social justice is the secular substitute for Christian morality and ethics and will be used in a second Obama term to further the advance of the state against free markets and the free exercise of religion. (p. 138)

Judges: Obama has said that his judicial appointments must possess ‘empathy,’ but the religious receive no such ‘empathy’ under the judicial supremacists. His judges only reserve empathy for the opponents of Judeo-Christian religious expression. (p. 152)

ObamaCAre: Health Care Czar admits that redistributing health care means rationing health care, which is why he has been called a ‘one-man death panel.’ He admitted the decision is not whether or not we will ration care - the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open. (p. 163)

George H. Kubeck, It’s the two-faced double-standard news media that got Obama elected. It’s a tragedy. They are trying to do the same for his re-election. We can dispatch both with a decisive turn-out vote in November. Believe me an ounce of prevention with Obama’s defeat is worth a million pounds of cure from a depression.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood in America

Muslim Brotherhood in America
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, Sept. 28, 2012

By Robert Spencer, David Horowitz Freedom Center, $3.00

“The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna, an admirer and supporter of Adolf Hitler who had Mein Kampf translated into Arabic in the 1930s, Al-Banna’s disciple, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, was also a Muslim Nazi; he spent World War II in Berlin recruiting Muslims for Hitler’s legions and laying plans to open gas chambers in the Middle East. His plans were thwarted only Rommel’s defeat at El-Alamein. p. 2 of 50 pages.

“Hasan al-Banna’s ambition was to create a global Islamic superstate instituting Sharia as a universal law: “It is a duty incumbent on every Muslim to struggle towards the aim of making every people Muslim and the whole world Islamic, so that the banner of Islam can flutter over the earth and the call of the Muezzin can resound in all the corners of the world: God is greatest [Allahu Akbar]!” The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood encapsulates this mission: “Allah is our goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration.” p. 2-3

“The jihad-terror group Hamas, now the government of Gaza, proclaims itself as a branch of the Brotherhood in its founding charter. “The Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest Islamic Movement in the modern era.” Al-Qaeda’s founders. Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden, and its top leader Ayman al-Zawahiri were all members of the Muslim Brotherhood or trained by it. p. 3

The Stealth Jihad in America: The Muslim Brotherhood has been active in the United States for decades. It is the moving force behind the mainstream organizations of Islam in America, such as the Islamic Society of North America, the Islamic Circle of North America, the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Students Association, the Council on Americ.,-Islamic Relations, the International Institute for Islamic Thought, & many others.

“I have complete faith that Islam will invade Europe and America, because Islam has logic and a mission.” So said Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mahdi Othman Akel in 2004. He was referring not it a military invasion, but to an infiltration and conversion through propaganda: “The Europeans and the Americans,” he explained, “will come into the bosom of Islam out of conviction.” p. 4

“The strategy to implement this mission was described in a Muslim Brotherhood memorandum of 1991 titled “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The author of the memorandum, a top Brotherhood operative in the United States, Mohamed Akram, explained that the Brotherhood “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands of believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions… In the 1991 memorandum, Akram lays out a plan to conquer and Islamize the United States by stealth - a stealth jihad… The Brotherhood’s success in America would be a momentous step in achieving the larger goal of establishing “the global Islamic state.” p. 5-6

George H. Kubeck-

Latinos Will Oppose Obamacare Mandates If

Latinos Will Oppose Obamacare Mandates If
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, Sept. 28, 2012

The full headline in “The Wanderer‘s” article by Dexter Duggan, March 15/12 is: Young Activist Says … Latinos will oppose Obamacare Mandates if Clergy Press Forward.

Phoenix - “Latinos can be a valuable ally in opposing the Obamacare mandates if bishops and priests keep making the point against Barack Obama’s attack on religious institutions, a young Latina told The Wanderer.”

“Many Latinos take their religion seriously, and if the clergy keep bringing Obama’s betrayal of the Church to their attention, this could raise more obstacles to his plan to force abortifacients, sterilization, and “free” contraceptives into religious organizations’ health-care plans, said Faith Burton.

“Burton, a 23-year-old Latina who recently earned a degree in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University, is a panelist on a weekly Latino radio program here. Obama’s emphasis that is a regrettable condition or a punishment is “not what I see in my everyday life” among Latino households, Burton said in a March 3 interview…

“Burton recalled Obama’s comment in 2008 that he didn’t want his daughters “punished with a baby” if they “make a mistake.” Many Latinos originally supported Obamacare because Obama promised to have strong conscience protections in it, Burton said, but “he’s going back on his word.”…

“The Church “standing in the way of Obama on this issue” is “already making a lot of people reassess their opinion on it.” she said…. Clergy need to make sure their congregations know how serious the issue is so Catholic will take action, Burton said…Burton pointed to comments by Rev, Samuel Rodriguez, of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conf., which represents around 15 million Hispanic evangelicals.

“A February story at the Daily Caller web site said Rodriguez said Obama’s order, “has caused an incredible amount of consternation and angst in the Hispanic community…It is un-American to tell my pastor, my minister, my priest, that they have to violate what they believe in.”…The federal government is coming after us …. It is an unprecedented level of intrusion into the free exercise of religion…. Across the board, our conversation is that is a line too far.”

“Burton told The Wanderer … “I do think that the Catholic Church really needs to point out … we as an institution, and the voters in America, [believe] … this is violating our morality and beliefs,” said… all her friends “grew up with a bootstrap mentality,” to hold down not only one, but two or even three jobs if that’s what it took to get ahead and “get your family further.”

“However, many Latinos often have voted for liberal Democrats, who promote Obama’s Culture of Death and opposition to traditional religion….”

George H. Kubeck - I got an idea. Let’s imagine this HHS Mandate was pushed by Republicans who also support the intrinsic evils of partial-birth abortion and same-sex marriage. Would reelecting a CINOP like Loretta Sanchez in any U.S. diocese cause a serious crisis of blame, shame upon whom?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Difference between a RINO* and a CINOP^

The Difference between a RINO* and a CINOP^
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012

Preface: There really isn’t any difference when both are pro-choice and for same-sex marriage. You can learn a lot from listening to talk radio. (Dennis Prager) Yesterday, the shocking news from France. Believe it not Mother and Father are to be banned from French legal documents. Don’t you understand? You hurt the feelings of those who are for same-sex marriage? How about the feelings of 97-98% of the rest of the population. This is sick. It will happen in America if President Obama is reelected. He will replace two or three Supreme Court Justices. We already have two of his clones on the Supreme Court.

OK, let’s go to the reality of the Republican party in California which fights with one hand tied behind its back in the battle with the Leftists a.k.a. CINOPs that control the California Democratic party. Check out the 47th Congressional which includes Orange County. [*Republican-in-name-only]

Eric Bradley, Staff Writer for the Long Beach Press Telegram article* dated 9/14/12, “State Sen. Alan Lowenthal, Long Beach Councilman Gary DeLong in congressional debate ” - - 1-562-714-2104 -

Democratic state Sen. Alan Lowenthal equated a vote for Republican Long Beach Councilman Gary DeLong with casting a ballot for far right conservatives in Washington, launching a sharp attack at a congressional debate on Thursday night. [^Catholic-in-name-only-politician]

Lowenthal conceded that his rival held socially moderate views SUCH AS GAY MARRIAGE and that DeLong doesn’t support REPEALING OBAMA’S HEALTH CARE LAW, …

DeLong insisted he was a “maverick” not bound to leaders such as Speaker John Boehner… Lowenthal and DeLong are vying for the 47th congressional district, newly created after redistricting. The district extends from Long Beach to Westminster. [ including areas surrounding city Stanton]

At times, the candidates gave matching answers to questions, like when both spoke against a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a women…

DeLong though casting the idea of more taxes as a last resort, criticized Ryan’s budget as well, saying the plan has “room for improvement” and is undesirable…

Asked about the environment and fostering a “green” economy, DeLong said in his personal life, his home has solar panels and he drives a hybrid vehicle. As a councilman, he voted to ban plastic bags in Long Beach. Tax incentives and regulatory measures could prompt environmental-friendly businesses, DeLong said, but lawmakers should take care not to overreach. [Is he for Cap and Trade] “Our economy is stagnant is this state,” DeLong said…

Both candidates decried the growing influence of corporate money in elections in response to a question about the U.S. Supreme Court case two years ago that lifted many restrictions and disclosure requirements on political spending…

DeLong expanded his take from a well-known aspect of the decision which defines corporations as people in terms of political speech, and said that all special interest groups - including environmental organizations and unions - wield too much influence on elections…


George H. Kubeck, I talked to the writer Eric Bradley at 3 P.M. and he said DeLong is also pro-choice. "Cinops be gone" will not vote for DeLong.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom

No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012

I bought 500 copies of the Mindszenty Report*, Sept. 2012. Excerpts from Phyllis Schlafly:

1. Is their a difference between religious liberty and religious worship? (Wall of Separation)

The president is trying to limit what the First Amendment means. He says he is in favor of freedom of worship. What he means is that you can go to a church and say a prayer. This is different from religious liberty which means speaking about religion in public… Obama is trying to confine religious practice with the 4 walls of our churches… When families visited their wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. they were not allowed to bring a Bible with them…. At military funerals the chaplains have been instructed they cannot mention the name of Jesus.

2. How important are his judges to our religious liberty? (Judicial Bias)

The bias against Christianity runs deep in the Obama administration. His appointments of judges are harmful to our religious freedom…. Federal judge David Hamilton … developed this philosophy while with the ACLU. His bias against religion is legendary. He banned the Indiana State House from using the name of Jesus Christ in invocations. But invoke “Allah” was alright with him.

3. What do you mean by your term coercive secularism? (A Fireman; a Prayer)

I think Obama is trying to turn us into a secular society where no one can talk about religion in public… When he recites the Declaration of Independence, he often omit’s the word Creator… He issued his Thanksgiving Proclamation, it was never clear whom he was thanking. But it is clear it’s not God he was thanking!…

4. How will Obama’s health care bill affect religious institutions? (Obama’s Higher Power)

As for the controversial mandate in Obamacare, it requires all employers to provide health insurance for all their employees that include coverage for contraceptives, abortifacients, sterilization and all other procedures, which are contrary to the beliefs of many religious. Why should religious institutions have to pay for things that violate their teachings? Higher Power is not God but the Federal Government.

5. Does this make the Government the final arbiter of what’s acceptable for religious bodies? (The Naked Public Square)

That is why I wrote this book. There are a lot of books that discuss Obama’s socialist background but none has treated in depth his abuse of religious freedom. Obama is trying to rid the nation of all forms of religious expression in the public square. This has been going for many years in the courts because of litigation by the ACLU and atheist organizations, which have been trying to eliminate all mention of God, like from our motto In God we trust… I am convinced his goal is to eliminate public religious displays from American life… He cancelled the White House observance of the National Day of Prayer that has been supported by presidents of both parties.

6. Has President Obama violated his constitutional duty with regard to the Defense of Marriage Act? (A Constitutional Violation)

DOMA was passed in 1990 with an overwhelming majority and signed into law by Bill Clinton. It is clear that Obama is determined to change this traditional definition of marriage. He has ordered his Justice Department not to defend the Act in courts while the Democrats try to repeal it.

7. How does the Obama administration define the term social justice? (The Power of Words)

The left is clever at changing the meaning of words. Just look what they did to the word liberal, which used to be a good word. Now it is synonymous with big government an no politician want to be called a liberal… It was Alinsky’s 1971 book, Rules for Radicals, that served for many years as the “bible” for community organizers, especially our President. Incidentally, did you know that Alinsky dedicated his book to LUCIFER, THE WORLD’S FIRST RADICAL…

George H. Kubeck - *500- 4 pages for only $42.50 - 314-727-6279

Ann Romney and Paul Ryan

Ann Romney and Paul Ryan
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012

These are the notes I took listening to Ann and Paul at the Republican Convention:

Ann Romney:
I want to talk to you about love. That love we have so deep for our children.

It’s the Moms who hold the country together. I love you women. I hear your voices. There would not be an America without you.

Mitt and I met at a High School dance. He made me laugh. I’m the grand-daughter of a Welsh coal miner… A business where he started… My future father-in-law George Romney.

I was an Episcopalian. Married and moved into a basement apartment. Mitt was going to a business school and law school at the same time.

We now have five sons and eighteen beautiful grandchildren. I am still in love and he still makes me laugh. What Romney and I had was a real marriage… family, faith, love and helping fellow man. No one will work harder to make this country a better place to live in.

History of success is being attacked… Try to do OK… He is the most fantastic man in the world. He was not handed success. He built success… worked harder and press on… Our sons got a good education.

He sees it as a privilege not a political talking point as he helped others. Give and it shall be given unto you. The genius of America … Help others to land new dreams… the Olympics … This is the man America needs… to fix something beyond repair… This man will not fail. This man will left up America. You can trust Mitt.

Paul Ryan:
We need a turn around… so silent about their record… boys Charlie and Sam - Lisa. At 16, Paul lost his Dad, a lawyer. Lives in Janesville, Wisconsin. He is still with the same Catholic Church that he was baptized in…

Anything different from the last four year. There are over 2000 pages of rules, taxes, etc. It’s no place in a free country. Repeal Obamacare. Comes at the expense of the elderly. They took 760 billion dollars funding out Medicare. The greatest threat to Medicare is Obamacare and we are going to stop it.

We have heard a lot of words from Obama. What is missing is leadership in the White House. We need to stop spending money we don’t have. We are going to solve this nation’s economic problems…

My Mom is my role model. Yes you did build that…

George H. Kubeck

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Terminate the Racket of College Loans

Terminate the Racket of College Loans
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012

Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund, August 2012- Phyllis Schlafly, President - presents:

One of the ways to cut the big-spending binge engaged in by the federal government is to terminate the racket of college loans. It’s counterproductive, discriminatory, and bad investment for both taxpayers and students.

College-loan debt has soared to nearly a trillion dollars, more than credit-card or auto-loan debt. Financial commentators are beginning to compare college-loan debt to the housing bubble that nearly brought down the banking system in 2008.

However, it’s not the banks that will be the big losers if the bubble bursts. It’s the taxpayers, because the government is now on the hook for the majority of student loans.

Even worse is the burden on students. The debt requires students to keep paying for a product that lacks its advertised value either in education or employment opportunities. College education has been dumbed down to enroll more and more taxpayer-subsidized students, even if they take only remedial (a.k.a. high school) courses.

College-loan debt is a powerful deterrent to marriage and to getting on with life. Students cannot discharge the debt in bankruptcy, can’t get a job that justifies the loan, and may have had a lousy education.

For years we’ve heard the propaganda line that everyone should go to college and that a college degree will improve your status in life and standard of living. Not any more: in Obamaland, 53.6% of young college graduates are jobless or working jobs that do not require a college degree and don’t pay enough to retire the debt…

Then there’s the problem, as reported by the Washington Post, that nearly 30% of students with student loans drop out of college with debt but no degree. Of those who remain in college, the majority take 5 or 6 years, thus significantly increasing their debt…

Why do spokesmen of both political parties keep urging us to import more and more foreign college students and falsely tell us they are “the best and brightest”? And why do we let jobs subsidized by U.S. taxpayers go to foreigners?

In 2010 Obama gave $300 million of his Stimulus money to two Michigan plants to build electric to build electric car batteries. It turned out that the plants are owned by Koreans who outfitted their factories with Korean equipment & supplies & hired Koreans.

“… most colleges today are a hostile environment for conservatives and Christians. A new report by the California Association of Scholars called “A Crisis of Competence by the California Association of Scholars called “A Crisis of Competence: The Corrupting Effect of Political Activism in the University of California,” explains that college graduates are alarmingly ignorant about history, literature and constitutional government because many professors have replace real teaching with political indoctrination. Another cause of higher tuition rates is paying high-salaried professors to teach worthless subjects… It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that college loans are part of Obama’s policy to make as many as possible dependent on government … keeping young people out of the unemployment statistics and in the totals of those attending college. (Thank you Phyllis Schlafly!)

George H. Kubeck - As a retired public school teacher, it’s an abomination. It’s Anybody But Obama For President. This supreme leftist amateur must be voted out of office. I fear Chicago-type voting.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Catholic ACLU's Rep. "Loretta Sanchez"

Catholic ACLU’s Rep. “Loretta Sanchez”
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

Prayer Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI - 2012 - September - Politicians. That politicians may always act with honesty, integrity, and love of the truth.

There are at least 13 other Catholic ACLU’s Representatives from California in Congress. What they say and what to do and how they vote are two different things. Let me list some of their names: Nancy Pelosi, Joe Baca, Linda Sanchez, Grace Napolitano, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Xavier Becerra, Anna Eshoo, George Miller, etc. Before we check the Catholic ACLU’s vote in Congress let us always look at the big picture.

It has been said that our Catholic Bishops are prisoners of lawyers. How many of these lawyers are directly or indirectly members of the ACLU? I dare an investigation. The ACLU has been called by Bill O’Reilly the most dangerous organization in America.

Be sure to read in the L.A.’s The Tidings, Sept. 21, 2012, Archbishop Jose Gomez’s article, “First thoughts about this election year.” Also a write-up of Archbishop Charles Chaput’s address at the annual Los Angeles Catholic Prayer Breakfast. Note his remarks:

“The fact remains that roughly 10 percent of Americans describe themselves as ex-Catholics,” he reported. “If they all joined together in a new “Church of the Formerly Catholic,” they’d be the second largest denomination in the country. “That’s our reality as regard as disciples.” he added. “That’s the debris of failure we need to deal with if we want to repair God’s house.”

So not only Catholic Bishops but practicing Catholic laity have a lot of work ahead. In today’s Liturgy of the Hours, St. Augustine’s Sermon on Pastors hits the nail on the head. “The straying sheep you have not recalled; the lost sheep you have not sought.”…

Now let us go to the Vote Scorecard - 112th Congress - First Session - U.S. House of Representatives - prepared by FRC ACTION AND CITIZENLINK. (I got it via internet.)












George H. Kubeck, I wonder what political party voted for pro-family issues in Congress?

Sunday, September 23, 2012


In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012
Marywood Pastoral Center, E. Villa Real Dr., PO Box 14195, Orange, Ca. 92863-1595

Your Excellency,
May I share with you excerpts from Pope Benedict XVI’s book, Co-Workers Of The Truth.

September 22: - “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… ’’ (Mt 28:19) But the dynamism of this mission, this openness and breadth of the Gospel, cannot be revised to read: “Go into the world and become the world yourselves! Go into the world and confirm it in its secularity!” The opposite is true.

The holy mystery of God, the mustard seed of the Gospel, cannot be identified with the world. That is why we must find again the courage to embrace what is sacred, the courage to distinguish what is Christian - not in order to segregate it, but in order to transform it…

In an interview in 1975, Eugene Ionesco, one of the founders of the theatre of the absurd, expressed this with all the passion of seeking and searching that characterizes the person of our age. I quote here a few sentences from that interview:

“The Church does not want to lose her present clientele; but she does want to gain new members. The result is a kind of secularization that is truly pitiful. The world is losing its way; the Church is losing herself in the world…. I once heard a priest say in church: Let us be happy; let us shake hands…. Jesus is pleased to wish you a pleasant ‘good day’! Before long they will be setting up a bar in church for the Communion of bread and wine and offering sandwiches and Beaujolais…. Nothing is left to us; nothing solid. Everything is in flux. But what we need is a rock.”

It seems to me that if we listen to the voices of our age, of people who are consciously living, suffering, and loving in the world today, we will realize that we cannot serve this world with a kind of banal officiousness. It has no need of confirmation but rather of transformation, of the radicalism of the Gospel.

September 23: A favorite complaint against Christianity is that, in two thousand years, it has not succeeded in changing the world… Heinrich Boll, on the other hand, declared that he preferred even the worst of Christianity to any non-Christian one: … Today, when the return of a world without Christ seems imminent, the declaration that Christ has not changed the world is enough to make one shiver…. Heisenberg foresaw when he said that concentration camps would be but the prelude to far greater horrors if the light of the Christian Faith were actually to be extinguished. The Christian Faith has changed the world. Granted it has not made it a paradise in which the burden of being human has already been removed…

Respectfully yours,

George H. Kubeck,

I believe there are lessons to be learned from the experiences of our Pope Benedict XVI in Germany in the 1930’s. As a voice crying in the wilderness, I will mail to you about 14 letters containing the previous three days, all prior to Nov. 6th. Why?

I am horrified with the consequences of the reelection of our President. It will cause great division and anger within the Church and nation. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Before October 23rd, I hope you will register as declined to state or independent , and all religious will do likewise. Each parishioner must be asked to register to vote. This should happen in each U.S.A. Diocese. May the Holy Spirit be with you in Faith and Wisdom.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sat. Sept. 22, 2012

Ref. Wall Street Journal, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012 - A Front Page Report -
“Miscues Before Libyan Assault”, Limited Security in Benghazi, Secrecy over Safe House, Contributed to Tragedy

“A large-scale attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, surprised personnel at the compound on Sept. 11. Militants overwhelmed the guards & set fire to the structure before the occupants could escape or reinforcements arrived. Ambassador Stevens three others were killed in the … violence…

“The State Department chose to maintain only limited security in Benghazi, Libya, despite months of sporadic attacks there on the U.S. and other Western missions…The U.S. didn’t seriously consider sending in the military during the attack. It summoned rapid-response teams of Marines only after the U.S. ambassador was dead… The Pentagon waited for guidance from the State, which is responsible for diplomatic security, a senior military official said.

“Adding a new dimension to the chain of events, the siege also engulfed what officials now describe a secret safe house used by American officials and security personnel involved kin sensitive government programs after last year’s Libyan revolution.

“Even when that building, also known as the “annex” cam under attack, the U.S. officials were reluctant to divulge the existence and the secrecy complicated the Libyan response and the eventual American evacuation, according to Libyan security officials…

“Though intelligence officials are investigating indications of al Quaeda’s North African affiliate had connections with militants who mounted the attack,… After a classified briefing to lawmakers by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Thursday, Senator Susan Collins (R. Maine) called the security, “woefully inadequate, given the security-threat environment.”…

“The apparent lapses extended to firefighting equipment. Rescue attempts at the main building were thwarted in part by the absence of smoke protection masks & fire extinguishers, said Libyan guards.

“Current and former officials said the security choices in Benghazi reflected efforts by Mr. Stevens to maintain low-profile security posture and show faith in Libya’s new leaders, despite questions about their ability to rein in heavily armed bands of militants. Officials say Mr. Stevens personally advised against having Marines posted at the embassy in Tripoli, apparently to avoid U.S. presence…

“Alarm bells about security in Benghazi started sounding this spring… On June 11, a rocket-propelled grenade hit a convoy in the Benghazi carrying Britain’s ambassador to Libya, injuring two bodyguards. Britain closed its consulate. …

“In Libya, embassy personnel conducted a security review right before the anniversary. (9-11) It determined there was no reason to think an attack was planned or the consulate in Benghazi was “insufficiently postured,” said a senior administration official. Across the border in Egypt, red flags appeared on Sept. 8, after a radical Egyptian cleric aired on television portions of an anti-Islam video believed made in the U.S. …Ethan Chorin, an American development economist working with U.S. and Libyan officials, said he spoke by phone to Mr. Stevens an hour before the assault, and the ambassador told him there was “no indication of trouble” following protest in Egypt…

“As the U.S. and Libyan reinforcement team arrived from the airport, fighting broke out at the annex. That assault, using rocket propelled grenades, and mortars, was described in the U.S. and Libyan accounts as more sophisticated than the earlier attack on the consulate and it appeared to involve militants with possible links to al Qaeda…

George H. Kubeck - Are we going to lie to ourselves and say this was not a successful terrorist attack? Obama lied for Dr. Nidal Hasan’s terrorist massacre which killed 14 of our soldiers. In the Pentagon report, he whitewashed Hasan & called him “a gunman” random perpetrator of homicide.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Legal Immigrants United Against Obama

Legal Immigrants United Against Obama

In pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone - Feast of St. Matthew - Friday, Sept. 21, 2012

This is the first in a series. Where do I start? I love this country. I came to be an American and not an Obama European. Other immigrants can write similar stories.

Let’s start with the immigrants who entered in the 1950s only and later became U.S. citizens. I came in 1958 from Canada.

Remember in the 1950s we had the Cold War with Communist Russia. It was America that stood in the way of these international and our local communists like Alger Hiss. Otherwise, the second language of the world today would be Russian. Remember this.

Obama wants to change the very soul of an American. That is a very serious charge. I’ve studied this guy and the CINOP for years and the truth hurts.

How dare Obama try to change human nature and nature’s God with his policies?

I wrote about this Pied Piper before. He came unto the scene with his hope, change and transformation message.

He is a powerful orator. His pied piper music influenced our children to vote for him and many persuaded their parents to do so in 2008.

He wants to change the American Motto of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to the French revolutionary one of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

I love our Founding Fathers, particularly Alexander Hamilton who was also a kind of an immigrant. He was involved in building our free enterprise system, the Constitution and was George Washington’s right hand man even to the writing of the Farewell Address.

If you saw the movie “2016 Obama” you will find out Obama’s Founding Fathers include Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and four others.

Obama is an apostle of the ACLU. Get God out of traditional America; and change it into what. They have already taken prayer out of our schools. Without Christmas, In God We Trust, One Nation Under God, where would this country be?

You saw what happened at the Democratic Convention. They originally took God out of the Democratic Platform, and then put God back in again for election purposes. And this is the party the mainstream media wants us to vote for.

Let’s stop being fools for the mainstream media. At least 60% of informed voters do not trust them. They do influence up to 5 % or more of voters. Do you remember the mainstream media’s Democratic reportage of the war in Iraq? With that kind of reporting in World War II, the Nazi-Germans and the Imperial-Japanese would have won the war!

A vote against Obama would also be a decisive defeat of the Obama propaganda machine - this two-faced-double-standard news media. Don’t include Fox news.

Recall how they censured the pro-life movement in January for decades and anything pro-family and normal marriage. Anathema to their brainwashing of America with the culture of death agenda! [partial-birth/infanticide abortion- S-S-Marriage etc.]

Obama is the Food Stamp President of the United States. What a shameful process to change the soul of America to be dependent on government the new God. When it becomes to creating job and encouraging our free enterprise system, Obama is an Amateur. Bill Clinton thinks likewise. Bill gave the title to the book I read.

George H. Kubeck - Post your thoughts in the comment section.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

2- The Twilight Zone President Barack Obama

2- Twilight Zone President Barack Obama

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thurs. Sept. 20, 2012

Let’s check out the definition of a twilight zone person. In a previous letter, a Knights of Columbus/Marist poll shows a majority of Americans disagreeing with Obama’s views on abortion. He has only 12% support for the following bill which he promoted. “A baby born alive as a result of a botched abortion is not entitled to health care. To be specific, they can let the baby die on the doctor’s table. That’s entirely OK with Barack.”

Isn’t that also called partial-birth abortion and infanticide? Do we want an infanticide president? Now the mindset of Mother Teresa was that the greatest evil in the world was abortion, the killing of the unborn. Thankfully, we have 88 % of the country believe in significant restrictions on the procedure. Let’s proceed further in understanding this mindset of President B. Obama.

1) Obama is promoting the principles of sexualityism which is a commitment to uncommitted, unencumbered, inconsequential sex for women and men. This is a free pass for men to behave as animals and women get hurt in the process. “Sexual license should never impede a woman’s lifestyle, at no more that it does a man’s.”

As stated in a previous letter, Sat. Sept. 6/12, 2- A Shameful Insight into Obama’s HHS Mandate - Celebrating the anniversary of abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, President Obama stated: “Our daughters must have the same opportunities as our sons, the social and economic is clear that achieving this result through large-scale birth control and abortion programs also means more casual sex, more no marital pregnancy, and more abortion (all of which America is witnessing today). Yet the main driver of male-female commitment is parents’ care for the babies they make together…” the utter irrationality of the federal government’s vaulting sexual expressionism over religious freedom in the name of women’s equality and happiness.

Helen Alvarez suffered the backlash against fingering sexualityism by being called, “The worst kind of self-loathing, woman hating, celibate-male-mouthpiece prude.” Defend her.

2) On the 50th anniversary of the decision to kick prayer out of public schools, the President Obama decided to show parents what it’s been replaced with. During a speech at New Hampshire’s Oyster River High School, the leader of the free world stunned everyone by using his speech as a lesson in sex education.

“To a packed auditorium, the President told teenagers that they have the “final say” in “every single challenge that we face.” Then, in an almost Dan Savage-like ambush, the President launches into an advertisement for contraception, homosexuality, and abortion giant Planned Parenthood. “You can decide that instead of restricting access to birth control or defunding Planned Parenthood, we should make sure in this country, women control their own health care choices. That’s up to you … You can decide whether we go back to the days when you could be kicked out of the United States military just because of who you are and you love.”

“Consider how inappropriate that is. The President of the U.S. visited a public high school with intent of promoting sexual activity to underage kids without their parents being present or giving consent. That’s absolutely outrageous! It’s one thing for the administration to push an agenda in conflict with the majority of Americans’ values. But it’s another thing entirely when the President promotes that same sexual liberalism to a roomful of teenagers. The fact that the President would come to Oyster High and choose to shill for Planned Parenthood shows the administration’s complete and utter disdain for parental rights. As our nation’s leader, his role is to inspire young people to great exploits - not exploit them for the Left’s cultural and political purposes.” (Tony Perkins, Washington Update, June 27, 2012)

George H. Kubeck - “The U.S.A. is on the verge of becoming a combination of Greece and Sweden where almost anything goes, and fiscal responsibility is a joke.” Bill O’Reilly

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2012 Orange County Catholic Prayer Breakfast

2012 Orange County Catholic Prayer Breakfast

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wed. Sept. 19, 2012


Guest Speaker: George Weigel - Author of Pope John Paul II biography, Witness to Hope

Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center- Topic:

“The King’s Good Servant, But God’s First”:

Catholics In Defense Of Religious Freedom











Now let’s check out the superb mind of the guest speaker - George Weigel in his “The Catholic Difference” article, September 7, 2012. Here are some excerpts.

“The 2012 presidential race is a contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. This is a contest, to take symbolic reference points, between Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

Hobbes tried to drive religious conviction out of the modern public square, while Burke fashioned a vision of political modernity that drew in part on the rich social pluralism of the Catholic Middle Ages. In a Hobbesian world, the only actors of consequence are the state and the individual. In a Burkean world, the institutions of civil society - family, religious congregation, voluntary association, business, trade union and so forth - “mediator” between the individual and the state, and the just state takes care to provide an appropriate legal framework in which those civil-society institutions can flourish.

In a Hobbesian world, the state - “Leviathan,” in the title of Hobbes’s most famous and influential work - monopolizes power for the sake of protecting individuals from the vicissitudes of a life that is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” In a Burkean world , civil society provides a thick layer of mediation -protection, if you will-that cushions the interactions between individuals and life’s challenges…”

George H. Kubeck - Without doubt you’re going to have a great time if you can stay for the morning.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Fight for Our Lives*

The Fight for Our Lives*
The relentless pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone - Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012

When you finish reading Chapter 1 of this book* by Bill Bennett & Seith Leibsohn and you are an American patriot, the information will drive you up the wall. It will help you understand our President’s policy in the Mideast. And on second thought the fight for our lives, our freedom and our country are what this presidential election is all about. *Knowing the Enemy, Speaking Truth & Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam

“In the early morning of November 5, 2009, U.S. Army major Dr. Nidal Hasan left his apartment in Killeen, Texas, to attend morning prayers at his mosque. Several hours later, he walked into the Soldier Readiness Center at Fort Hood, he sat down, he bowed his head, and then he stood up and shot and killed thirteen of his fellow Americans, plus and unborn child - fourteen in all. He wounded thirty more, emptying some hundred rounds into his victims. As he fired, he shouted, “Allahu Akbar [Allah is Great]!”

This, the second-worst terrorist attack on America in eight years, took place at a medical facility - at a U.S. Army fort - in the middle of Texas. p. 1



“The Pentagon, as one would expect, created an after-action investigation into the causes and problems that led to the Fort Hood massacre…

Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood was released in January, 2010: …

“In its eighty-six pages, not once does the report actually mention Hasan’s name. Instead he is referred to simply, almost indeterminately, as “a gunman,” just like any other random perpetrator of homicide. But Hasan’s name is not the most glaringly absent name, phrase, or term in the report but buried in an endnote in the title of one of the many scholarly papers cited in the report. The word Muslim appears nowhere in the report; neither do the words jihad or Middle East.

“There are two basic problems with the grotesque non-report on the Islamist-terror massacre at Fort Hood,” said military analyst Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Ralph Peters, “It’s not about what happened at Fort Hood. It avoids entirely the issue of why it happened.”

“In reading the report, one is practically forced to ask if it were even written with the Fort Hood massacre in mind… The report was a studiously exquisite effort to whitewash what actually happened and what actually caused the problem…

“An Islamic terrorist was raised in the United States and because of political correctness, was given a pass throughout his professional career in the United States military. His allegiance was not to his country but to his radical religion… We must end this infection of the mind where we no longer call things by their proper names… The bottom line is this: the words Islam, terrorism, or even their modified forms such as radical Islam, and the violence that these philosophies fuel, are being shunted aside, made ineffable, and hushed from high to low.” p. 16-18. [The above is just a tip of the iceberg.]

George H. Kubeck - Down with Political Correctness, Lies, and Secular Policies for National Suicide.
I just saw, “The Last Ounce of Courage” - an appropriate film for freedom and righteousness,

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Obama Democrats

The Obama Democrats

The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Dr. Robert Bellarmine,  Mon., Sept. 17, 2012

There is tremendous insight in the Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger’s article. - Sept., 2012 - You decide; as I share the last half of his analysis.

“The Obama Democrats are no longer the party of FDR, Truman, JFK or Clinton. All were combative partisans, but there view of the American system was fundamentally positive. The older Democratic party grew out of the American labor experience of their 20thy century, which recognized its inevitable ties to the private sector.

“The systemically alienated Obama party more resembles the ancient and capitalist syndicalism movement of continental Europe.

“In its 2008 primaries, the Democratic Party made a historical pivot. The center-left party of Bill and Hillary Clinton was overthrown by Barack Obama and the party’s “progressives,” the redesigned logo of the vestigial Democratic left.

“The internal tension between the party’s liberal and the left blasted to the surface at the Chicago convention in 1968, when the famous Days of Rage street protesters vilified the party of LBJ and Hubert Humphrey. The “San Francisco Democrats” dominated the 1984 convention, but the party still nominated the establishment liberal Walter Mondale.

“While liberals owned the party apparatus, the left took control of its ideas. By 1990, liberal Harvard Law School was torn apart by a left-wing theory called critical legal studies, which condemned the American legal and economic system as … rigged. What binds Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Sandra Fluke and the rest of the Charlotte roster is the belief, learned early on, that their politics has made them a perpetual band of American outsiders.

“It’s an irony now that one of their touchstone ideological works has been Richard Hofstadter’s “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” (1964), which was about the American political right back then. Today it’s the Obama Democrats who insist that something like voter-identification statutes as a racist conspiracy.

“Barack Obama in his grave acceptance speech fears that “this nation’s promise is reserved for the few.” And so out on the plains, the Obama Democrats will assemble a voter army from that vast proletariat, the U.S. middle class, to pull down “the wealthiest.”

“This is a party whose agenda is avenging slights, wrongs and the systematic theft of “our democracy.” For all this injustice, someone must be made to pay…

“The Obama administration’s battle with the Catholic Church over contraceptive services is symbolic and important. The tradition of religious independence, which even liberal Catholics thought legitimate, has no standing with the do-the-right-thing politics of the Democratic left. Kathleen Sebelius: Get out or our way.

“An Obama victory wouldn’t be just a defeat of the GOP. It would be a defeat of the post-World War II Democratic Party. And they know it. The progressive left has wanted to push Democratic liberalism over the cliff for decades. This is the best shot to get it done.

“Mitt Romney - whose own political conversation is remarkably bereft of history - ought to be explaining to Democrats-turned-independent how far Mr. Obama has moved their party from its traditions. FDR’s Social Security and LBJ’s Medicare asked all to buy in to supporting it. Obama-Care doesn’t; Mr. Obama revels in explaining how “they” will pay for “you.” Left unanswered, demagoguery* can win elections. And take a generation to undo.”

George H. Kubeck, *Demagoguery reminds me of the two demagogues campaigning in Germany and Italy during the 1930’s. Troubled & frightened by an Obama victory are normal & rational feelings.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012

The article by Martin Wisckol in the Orange County Register, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012 is a classic. It should be viewed as a blueprint for leaders replacing not only the Leftist politicians in California but throughout the nation. But before I share excerpts, let me read from my Nook, Dennis Prager’s book, “Still the Best Hope.” p. 159 of 416.

“If black Americans come to believe that America is a land of opportunity in which racism has been largely conquered, it would be a catastrophic for the Democrats. The day that most black Americans no longer view America the way the Left and the Democratic party portray it - as an essentially racist society - will be the day Democrats lose almost all hope of winning a nat. election.

“If women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party. Single women are an essential component of any Democratic victory. To cite a close election, in 2004, unmarried women voted for the Democrat John Kerry by a 25 - point margin (62-27), while married women voted for President Bush by an 11 point margin (55-44). After women marry, they are more like to abandon Leftist views and to vote Republican. And if they then have children, they will vote Republican in even more lopsided numbers.

“If immigrants assimilate, it is not good for Democrats. The Democratic Party is invested in Latino separatism. The more Latino immigrants come to feel fully American, the less likely they are to vote Democratic. The liberal notion of multiculturalism helps Democrats, while the adoption of the American ideal of E Pluribus Unum help Republicans.

The Article by Martin Wisckol: “House Speaker John Boehner and House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrel Issa were the big podium attractions at the California delegation’s brunch Tuesday in St. Pete, at the delegation’s hotel for the Republican National Convention.

“But equally rousing at the podium was conservative radio personality Dennis Prager. Prager preceded Boehner and Issa and set the bar high, spending much of his time defining Republicanism and drawing distinctions between the GOP and Democrats.

“This drives me crazy when they talk about compassion,” he said. “Who gives more charity? Republicans or Democrats? We give more charity, we volunteer more, we adopt more.” Part of his condemnation of most government handouts. “You earn happiness. That’s why lottery winners end up unhappy. It’s better to earn a Chevrolet than win a Mercedes.”

“Prager spoke of how secularism and the declining role of religion in daily life are leading to lower birthrates and pointed at Europe as an example. He dismissed the idea that fertility rates decline as population grew wealthier. “Rich Mormons produce a lot of children.” he said. [like wise rich Catholics, rich Jews and rich Evangelicals]

“Delegate Scott Baugh, chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County was dressed for his morning run and stood with me in the back of the tented pavilion for much of Prager’s talk. “I love this guy.” said Baugh, who has featured Prager as a keynote speaker at one of the county party’s Flag Day dinners. “His message is the Republican Party’s message. Everything he says is rooted in limited government and liberty.”

“But what about Republicans who don’t share all of Prager’s conservative views? “You have to have some standards, moderates deviate from that.” Baugh said. “You have core principles on the left & the right, & the moderates deviate from that, Dennis Prager speaks from our core principles.”

George H. Kubeck, Chairman Baugh, we have a most serious problem in my 47th congressional district. It is obvious that Gary DeLong was not vetted by you or the Republican voters. Check it out.…

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our Twilight Zone* President Barack Obama

Our Twilight Zone* President Barack Obama
The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sat. Sept. 15, 2012

The plain truth is our most powerful weapon. American leftists hate the truth. So does the evil spirit.
President Obama is our first African-White American President. He is nothing more and nothing less. He is not the first Black American President. Least of all is ex-President Bill Clinton. One day we are going to elect the first Black American President whose roots are in Black America’s history and religious tradition.

So if you don’t vote for Obama, you don’t have to feel badly at all.

You are among 60% of Black Americans who believe that marriage is between a man and woman. We wish the rest of the country would believe likewise.

A Knights of Columbus/Marist poll from this year shows a majority of Americans disagreeing with Obama’s views on abortion: while 12 percent of Americans support Obama’s abortion position, 88 percent opted for significant restrictions on the procedure.

* Yes, the 12% of the nation is in the twilight zone and you are not one of them.

Do you know why you are among the majority of Americans? Let’s recall that when Barack Obama was in the Illinois State Senate, he promoted a bill which said this: A baby born alive as a result of a botched abortion is not entitled to healthcare. To be specific, they can let the baby die on the doctor’s table. That’s entirely okay with Barack.

A theology professor at an African-American Christian seminary (Interdenominational Theological Center, ITC) has complained to federal anti-discrimination officials that he was fired based on his conservative views, particularly his stance against homosexuality. Rev. Jamal-Dominique Hopkins said administrators began criticizing his conservative religious ideals, “intimidating me, slandering my character, giving me poor evaluations …

George H. Kubeck - This is Obama’s agenda. It’s also OK to vote No to his clone the CINOP.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Nat. Secular Religion of Humanism is Unconstitutional

A National Secular Religion of Humanism is Unconstitutional
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, Sept. 14, 2012

Preface: It is against the First Amendment to the Constitution to promote or be a an apostle for a no-God or atheistic society religion and have the government of the United States be a champion for this mentality. That is what the ACLU and their other apostles in the American culture are doing directly and indirectly. I have stated my opinion.

Bill Donohue is the President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. He has written a number of books including “The Politics of the ACLU”, and “Secular Sabotage: How Liberals Are Destroying Religious and Culture in America.” In the kind of America we live in today, it is a necessity to be a member of the Catholic League.*

The Catalyst is their monthly Journal. In the September 2012, Bill answers questions and answers. Read closely Bill’s answers.

1. Question: Besides abortion, there’s been a lot of questions about the Obama administration redefining what qualifies as a religious institution. Can you speak to that?

Why, yes. Quite frankly, the most pernicious thing the Obama administration has done is to redefine what qualifies as a religious institution for the purpose of an exemption.

The Obama administration says that a Catholic institution is not Catholic unless it hires and serves people mostly of its own faith. Now that is to turn on its head the virtue of Catholic institutions.

We are proud of the fact that we do not discriminate in our social service agencies, soup kitchen, Catholic universities and colleges. We don’t discriminate against people because they are Protestants or Jewish, or atheist, agnostic, or Muslim or Mormon. We welcome everybody and that is what I find so perverse…

What do they want us to do, put up signs saying, “No Jews Need Apply”, No Protestants are welcome in our hospitals”? … They want to punish us for being Catholic with a small c, meaning universal? No we can’t put up with this.

2. Question: Bill, where’d they get this idea in the first place?

Amazingly, Jeff - this will come as a surprise, or maybe not a major surprise to some people - It came from the ACLU, the American Civil Liberties Union; it has been hostile to freedom of religion for a very long time, going back to 1920. The ACLU - let me digress here for a moment - I’ve written a Ph.D. dissertation and two books on the ACLU. I interviewed the founder the ACLU, Roger Baldwin, in June of 1978...

He founded the organization of 1920, and I asked him, “Mr. Baldwin your organization in its first 10 objectives … never mentioned that other component of the First Amendment called freedom of religion. Why not?” He was blunt. He said, “That’s because I’m an atheist. We don’t value freedom of religion.”…

Just to show you how absurd the ACLU is on this, they are actually against “In God We Trust” on the coins; they want “under God” taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance…

George H. Kubeck - * - Next to the two-faced double-standard news media (N.Y. Times and L.A. Times); the ACLU is the most dangerous organization in the United States.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Update on the Battle for Religious Liberty

Update on the Battle for Religious Liberty
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012
(Here are 3 articles from the Catalyst, Cath. Relig. & Civil Rights Journal- Sept./2012.)

Fight for Religious Liberty Mounts
The U.S. bishops made it clear over the summer that the Fortnight for Freedom was hardly the extent of their efforts to challenge the HHS mandate.

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo heralded the inclusion of the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act, and key provisions from the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, in the appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2013 of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor/HHS. These measures would strengthen the right of health care providers not to provide for abortion, and protect religious entities who object to those parts of ObamaCare they deem objectionable.

Business Owners V. ObamaCare
U.S. District Judge John Kane recently issued a warning to the Obama administration by granting an injunction that allowed the owners of a private company not to provide abortifacients, contraceptives, and sterilization services to their employees as mandated by ObamaCare.

The ruling in Newland v. Sebelius meant that the administration not only has to contend with Catholic non-profits who object to providing immoral services in their healthcare plans, they must deal with Catholics in the private sector who similarly object. By invoking the Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment religious liberty guarantees, the plaintiffs broke new ground for private employers.

Lawyers for the Obama administration were taken aback when Kane sided with the Catholic owners of Hercules Industries. The attorneys for the government were correct when they maintained that if the injunction were granted, it would mean that they would be faced with a flood of requests seeking an exemption. “These interests are countered,” Kane said, “ and indeed outweighed, by the public interest in the free exercise of religion.”

We will do what we can to get the word out to all Catholic business owners; the time to revolt is now. There is no virtue in complying with a government edict that violates the conscience rights of Catholics, independent of whether they work in the public or private sector. But there is great virtue in suing the administration by invoking the religious liberty principles as articulated in this case.

Obama Spins Catholic Dialogue
At an August campaign stop, President Obama addressed the HHS mandate saying, “We worked with the Catholic hospitals and universities to find a solution that protects both religious liberty and a woman’s health.” The president also said that Mitt Romney “joined the far right of his party to support a bill that would allow any employer to deny contraceptive coverage to their employees.”

Regarding the first remark, Obama was singularly dishonest. On February 8, Archbishop William Lori, who chairs the bishops’ Committee for Religious Liberty, said point blank that “no one from this administration has approached the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops for discussions on this matter of a possible ‘compromise.’” Was Obama suggesting that Archbishop Lori was lying? Furthermore, on Feb. 13, Lori made it clear that only after the original HHS mandate of Jan. 20 was revised and ready to be announced on Feb. 10 did the White House contact Archbishop Timothy Dolan, head of the bishops’ conference.

Regarding the other remarks, Obama was referencing the Blunt Amendment*; it secured conscience exemptions for health care providers. Not only was it not a product of the “far right,” it lost by only three votes in the U.S. Senate, with three Democrats joining with the Republicans; one Democrat was Senator Bob Casey, hardly, “a far right” zealot … a March New York Times poll showed that 57% of Americans believe that religiously affiliated employers should be able to opt out of the HHS mandate…

George H. Kubeck - *“It failed to pass because 10 CINOP Senators voted to defeat the Amendment.”

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mitt Romney Speaks His Mind

Mitt Romney Speaks His Mind
The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wed. Sept. 12, 2012

“ In a genuinely personal speech, the Governor let Americans see beyond the successful businessman to the deeply committed family man. “All the laws and legislation in the world will never heal this world like the loving hearts and arms of mothers and fathers.”

“He talked with fondness about his parents, with admiration for his wife, and true concern for his nation. At parts sentimental and others defiant, he pledged to rekindle optimism and patriotism. But most of all, he vowed to return Americans to work and prosperity. “President Obama promised to … slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family.”

“To Americans hungry for a return to core values, Mitt was unequivocal: “As President, I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage. And I will guarantee America’s first liberty, the freedom of religion.” Like his running mate the Governor appealed to the broader conservative movement.

“He even took time to debunk the “war on women,” explaining that as Governor, he chose “a woman Lt. Governor, a woman chief of staff… Half of my cabinet and senior officials were women.” Although Romney pointed to the President’s failures, his tone was similar to Sen. Marco (R-Fla.), who said, “Our problem is not that Obama is a bad person. Our problem is that he is a bad President.”

“America has had four years of eloquent speeches; what it needs are practical solutions. Gov. Romney made a compelling case that he could provide them. “If I am elected President of these United States, I will work with all my energy and soul to restore America, to lift our eyes to a better future … Our children deserve it, our nation depends upon it, the peace and freedom of the world require it. And with your help, we will deliver it.” With that, the balloons fell and cheers rained down. On screen, the words “We Believe in America” lit up the stage. Not unlike the man that many believe in to lead it.

All of the ABOVE from Tony Perkins, FRC Action Update: August 31, 2012:

“There was the section where Romney talked about his parents and how they were partners.

Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what they secret was, you could have asked the local florist - because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That’s how she found out what happened on the day my father died - she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose.

“My mom and dad were true partners, a life lesson that shaped me by everyday example. When my mom ran for the Senate, my dad was there for her every step of the way. I can still hear her saying in her beautiful voice, “Why shouldn’t women any less say than men, about the great decisions facing our nation.?”

“I grew up in Detroit in love with cars and wanted to be a car guy, like my dad. But by the time I was out of school, I realized that I had to go out on my own that if I stayed around Michigan in the same business, I’d never ready know if I was getting a break because of my dad. I wanted to go someplace new and prove myself.

“Those weren’t the easiest of days- too many long hours and weekends working, five young sons who seemed to have this need to re-enact a different world war every night. But if you ask Ann and I what we’d give, to break up just one more fight between the boys, or wake up in the morning and discover a pile of kids asleep in our room.. Well every mom and dad knows the answer to that.”

All of the above from the perspective of Glenn Beck’s blog comments, 9/2/2012

George H. Kubeck - During Mitt’s presidency of 8 years, there will be a just immigration solution!

Clint Eastwood Has an Encore

Clint Eastwood Has an Encore!
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wed. Sept. 12, 2012

Eastwood says his convention appearance was ‘Mission Accomplished.’

Here are excerpts from “The Carmel Pine Cone”, by Paul Miller, published Sept. 7, 2012.

“After a week as topic No. 1 in American politics, former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood said the outpouring of criticism from left-wing reporters and liberal politicians after his appearance at the Republican National Convention last Thursday night, followed by an avalanche of support on Twitter and in the blogosphere, is all the proof anybody needs that his 12-minute discourse discourse achieved exactly what he intended it to.

“President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told The Pine Cone this week. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”

Breaking the Silence:

“I had three points I wanted to make,” Eastwood said. “That not everybody in Hollywood is on the left, that Obama has broken a lot of promises he made when he took office, and that people should feel free to get rid of any politician who’s not doing a good job.

“And while the Hollywood superstar has plenty of experience being adored by crowds, he said he hasn’t given a lot of speeches and admitted that, “I really don’t know how to.” He also using a teleprompter, so it was settled in his mind that when he spoke to the 10,000 people in the convention hall, and the millions more watching on television, he would do it extemporaneously.

“It was supposed to be a contrast with all the scripted speeches, because I’m Joe Citizen,” Eastwood said. “I’m a movie maker, but I have the same feelings as the average guy out there.”

“Eastwood is a liberal on social issues such as gay marriage and abortion, but he has strongly conservative opinions about the colossal national debt that has accumulated while Obama has been president, his failure to get unemployment below 6 percent, and a host of other economic issues.

“Even people on the liberal side are starting to worry about going off a fiscal cliff,” Eastwood said. But what - exactly - would he say to the Republican delegates about the $16 trillion national debt and 8.3 percent unemployment rate?

“I got to the convention site just 15 or 20 minutes before I was scheduled to go on,” he said. “That was fine because everything was very well organized.” “There was a stool there, and some fella kept asking me if I wanted to sit down,” Eastwood said. “When I saw the stool sitting there, it gave the idea. I’ll just put the stool out there and I’ll talk to Mr. Obama and ask him why he didn’t keep all of the promises he made to everybody. ..

“It’s time to elect a “stellar businessman” as president instead of a lawyer, and, as a final point, “You own this country.” When a elected official doesn’t “do the job, we’ve got to let ‘em go,” he said, and the crowd ate it up. “They really seemed to be enjoy themselves.”… “A lot of people are realizing they had the wool pulled over their eyes by Obama.”

George H. Kubeck

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 and the Scandal of the CINOP

9/11 and the Scandal of the CINOP
The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012

9/11 occurred as a one-time evil; the Scandal is a reoccurring evil for decades:

Whereas: partial-birth abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic-stem-cell research are intrinsically evil:

Whereas: Cardinal Timothy Dolan stated at the Democratic Convention, “Almighty God, father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, thus we praise You for the gift of life. Grant us the courage to defend it, life without which no other rights are secure.

We praise and thank you for the gift of liberty. May this land of the free never lack those brave enough to defend our basic freedom. Renew in all our people a profound respect for religious liberty, the first, most cherished freedom bequeathed upon us at our Founding. May our liberty be in harmony with truth, freedom ordered in goodness and justice.

Empower us with your grace so that we might resist the temptation to replace the moral law with idols of our own making, or to remake those institutions You have given us for the nurturing of life and community. May we welcome those who yearn to breathe free and to pursue happiness in this land of freedom, adding their gifts to those whose families have lived here for centuries.

Whereas: Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore in an interview with National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez at the Knights of Columbus’ 130th Convention in Anaheim, California: For Catholics taking to the polls in November, the prelate said, “The question to ask is this: Are any of the candidates of either party, or independents, standing for something that is intrinsically evil, evil not matter what the circumstances?” “If that’s the case, a Catholic, regardless of his party affiliation, shouldn’t be voting for such a person,” he added.

Whereas: Peoria Bishop Daniel Jenky’s statement:

“Now things have come to such a pass in America that this is a battle that we could lose, but before the awesome judgment set of Almighty God this is not a war where any believing Catholic may remain neutral.”

“This fall, every practicing Catholic must vote, and must vote their Catholic consciences, or by the following fall our Catholic schools, our Catholic hospitals, our Catholic Newman Centers, all our public ministries -- only excepting our church buildings - could easily be shut down. Because no Catholic institution, under any circumstance, can ever cooperate with intrinsic evil of killing innocent human life in the womb.”

“No Catholic ministry - and yes, Mr. President, for Catholics our schools and hospitals are ministries - can remain faithful to the Lordship of the Risen Christ and to his glorious Gospel of Life if they are forced to pay for abortions.”

Whereas: In his Angelus address Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of Judas’ betrayal of Christ, “Judas,” said Pope Benedict, “could have left, as many of the disciples did; indeed, he would have left if he were honest. Instead he remained with Jesus. He did not remain because of faith, or because of love, but with the secret intention of taking vengeance on the Master.”

Be It Resolved: “CENSOR THE CINOP:” Send him/her a postcard or letter. “I or We Censor You! Your are a Catholic-in-name-only Politician! Please do not use the Catholic label when you run for office! Sincerely yours,”

George H. Kubeck, I will be sending out three letters in Orange County, California

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Twilight Zone of Education, Science, and Politics

The Twilight Zone of Education, Science, and Politics
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, Sept. 10, 2012

Americans live in two worlds. One is in the twilight zone and the other is the real world. Imagine you are a parent or grandparent and you are sitting in a California elementary class as a kindergartener or first grader. You return to class in January, 2013. is a project of - P.O. Box 511, Sacramento, California 95812 - promoting private or church schools and home schooling.

A. Parents, take notice! There are reasons to be concerned about having your child in public schools. A new sexual indoctrination law (SB 48), is impacting all children in public schools, mandates that kids be taught to admire: lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.” This new indoctrination starts in January. There is no parental consent.

1. Your child will be subjected to sexual indoctrination. With SB 48’s “LGBT” role models, California now has EIGHT state laws promoting homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality to children as young as kindergarten, with no parental consent.

2.Your child is unlikely to learn to read proficiently. California ranks 46th in the nation in fourth grade reading proficiency, with roughly 3 out 4 students (76%) failing to read at grade level -- despite California teachers being among the highest paid in the U.S.

3.Your child will be greatly subjected to negative peer pressure. Children public schools are more likely to have earlier experience and develop negative habits in these areas: lying, cussing, cheating, excessive dieting, wearing revealing clothes, pornography, sexual activity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and even violence.

B. And now for the twilight zone in Science: We know for a fact that science is muzzled from exposing a definite relationship of women’s breast cancer to abortion. I want to focus on what the Obama regime is promoting directly and indirectly with excerpts of the two letters just published on the blog tiled, “A Shameful Insight into Obama’s HHS Mandate.”

The Definition: “Sexual expressionism/sexualityism” is defined as that sex should not only be free of the slightest reflection on its link with procreation, but also free of commitment, or even the real possibility of a relationship between the man and the women involved.

“Equal sexual liberty” is that “women will and should have lots more sexual intercourse lifestyle, than they have interest in conceiving children …[that] sexual license should never impede a woman’s lifestyle, at least no more than it does a man’s.

Helen Alvare* argued in her article that this is destructive and at odds with all known social & human sciences. Yet the Obama regime of Czars is promoting this & that groups & individuals who support practices that are closely associated with human happiness and freedom (religion & marital sexual intimacy) ARE IRRATIONAL AND UNSCIENTIFIC.

C. The CINOP lives in the Twilight Zone and his/her vote is responsible for the above. Send him/her a postcard or letter. I or We Censor You! You are a Catholic-in-name-only politician! Please do not use the Catholic label when you run for office! Sincerely yours,

George H. Kubeck - *Helen is publicly insulted as a woman hating, celibate-male-mouthpiece prude.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

O'Reilly Hits the Nail on the Head

O’Reilly Hits the Nail on the Head
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012

By Bill O’Reilly for - Thursday, Sep 06, 2012

According to a new poll by The Hill newspaper in Washington D.C. 54% of likely voters believe President Obama does not deserve another term based on his economic record. With rising gas prices once again punishing working Americans, and with fear in the air over unemployment, there is a very good chance Mr. Obama will join Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush as one-term presidents.

And, if Barack Obama does go down, so does the liberal movement in America, which has made great strides over the past three and a half years. Consider the following developments:

Gay marriage is now accepted by most folks.

“Medical Marijuana” is openly sold in many cities to people with no maladies whatsoever.

Anyone who opposes abortion can be categorized as biased against women.

Successful Americans and prosperous small business owners car are not paying their “fair share” in taxes.

And, you are a racist if you oppose Barack Obama’s liberal political viewpoint.

In addition, nearly half of American households are now receiving welfare - but if you want to control entitlements, you are anti-poor.

Almost 50 million folks are receiving food stamps, and a record amount of workers are filing for disability payments.

The federal colossus in Washington is reaching into every area of American life - even as President Obama has increased the debt by more than five trillion dollars in less than four years.

This is liberal nirvana: a big spending central government dispensing “social justice.” [This is false social justice. ghk] and calling many shots in the free marketplace. Soon the feds will control the health care industry.

Of course, the results of the leftwing blitz have been disastrous. The economy is moribund with banks refusing to lend capital for expansion because they fear business failure. Our currency is tottering because the USA has to borrow billions of dollars every day to service debt. And employers are loath to hire because they don’t know how Obamacare will affect their bottom line.

You would think the left would take a look at the chaos in Europe and slow down a bit. Not happening. If you watched the Democratic Convention coverage you heard some incredible stuff. Sandra Fluke and her crew not only want you to pay for female birth control, they also want you to pay for “transgender medical needs.” That means if Harry meets Sally and they want to switch genders through expensive surgical procedures, the American taxpayer gets the bill. And if you oppose that you are a bigot.

I believe that most Americans are uneasy with the liberal direction even if they are not fully convinced it is at stage three. But it is. The USA is on the verge of becoming a combination of Greece and Sweden - where almost anything goes and fiscal responsibility is a joke. If the president wins reelection, this country will continue to undergo a radical social and economic upheaval. But if Barack Obama loses, the liberal movement in America will be dealt a crushing blow. That’s what’s at stake on November 6th.            George H. Kubeck -

Barack Hussein McGovern

Barack Hussein McGovern
In pursuit of righteousness - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012

Preface: Nixon was able to do it in 1972; Romney can do in 2012, provided his campaign is smart.* Quotations are taken from Mark Stricherz article in the Weekly Standard, 8/20/12

“The specter of 1972 is haunting the Obama campaign. Forty years ago this summer, in July 1972, social liberals made their political debut at the Democratic National Convention.” This year in a loud voice vote they took God out of the Democratic Platform.

“Representative James O’Hara of Michigan, the 46 year old chairman of a reform commission on party rules, said after the election McGovern’s association with the counterculture doomed his presidential bid: “The American made an association with and association between McGovern and gay lib, and welfare rights, and pot-smoking, and black militants, and women’s lib, and wise college kids, and everything else they saw as threatening their value system. I think it was all over right then and there.”…

“In an interview in May, senior campaign adviser described the strategy this way: “We’re gonna say, ‘Let’s be clear what [Mitt Romney] would do as president,” he told New York magazine. “Potentially abortion will be criminalized. Women will be denied contraceptive services. He’s far right on immigration. He supports efforts to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage … Besides the administration’s mandate of free contraception and sterilization services in health insurance policies and Obama’s coming out in favor of marriage equality… running ads in swing states that accuse Romney of being an extremist on abortion.” “Is running on social liberalism the royal road to 270 electoral votes.?”.. Is not America 40% conservative and 20% liberal? Is not 50% of the country pro-life and about 45% pro-choice? Didn’t 30 normal States vote to keep the definition of marriage as between a man and woman? Note Romney advisors: all of the above included independent voters.

“According to an NBC News/Wall Street poll in July, one in five voters said that the “decline of moral and religious values” is one of their biggest worries… which outstripped their worries about the “increasing role of government” and “lack of safety/terrorist threats.”

“Gay marriage is the issue most likely to hurt Obama. After his announcement on May 9 … Gallup concluded that “his new position is more of a net minus than a net plus for him.” Although 11% of independents and 2% of Republicans told pollsters they were more likely to vote for him, 23 % of independents and 10% of Democrats said they were less likely.” … in the swing state Florida (in a Quinnipiac poll) in late May, 23% of independents and 7% of Democrats said they were less like to vote for Obama.”…

“In Virginia 49% of voters said they disapprove of gay marriage while 42% said they approve of it, according to a June Qinnipiac poll… In Ohio, 50% of voters reject gay marriage and 37% support it, according to a Public Policy Polling study in July… In looking at voters’ attitude towards abortion in the five presidential elections from 1984 to 2000, Gallup concluded that “the issue netted the Republican party’s candidate two to three points in [each] election.”

George H. Kubeck, *The following is not smart. In Virginia, telephone polls by Romney don’t mention life or family issues; direct mail mentions no social issues; TV or Radio ads, no social issues. In 2008 more than one millions conservative evangelical Christians who were registered to vote did not go to the polls. This is according to the Religious Freedom - - Likewise, in Calif. both Loretta and Linda Sanchez are vulnerable for defeat with proper advertising. Among Catholics, these two CINO politicians promote the absolute evils of partial-birth abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, and the conscience rip-off of the HHS mandate which will be implemented with Obamacare in January 2013.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI on Freedom/HHS Mandate

Pope Benedict XVI on Freedom/ HHS Mandate
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Birth of Mary, Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012

25 years ago, the Cardinal spoke his mind in his classic book, Co-Workers of the Truth, with the September 6th Meditation as follows:

Freedom has become almost a magic word. The cry for freedom that is heard throughout the world arises from a situation in which people have, perhaps, had a taste of freedom but feel, at the same time, that freedom is threatened and hemmed in on all sides.

We must, in fact, admit that, to a large extent, man had cast off the bonds of custom and tradition that, in the class-ordered society of former times, often circumscribed the possibilities of shaping his existence.

What practical conclusions can we draw from all this for the question of freedom in the deepest sense of the word, of opening up the possibility of sharing in the Divine Being. The fundamental organization of the Church’s freedom must therefore be to see that the faith and the sacraments, in which this sharing in the Divine Being is mediated, are accessible without diminution or adulteration.

The fundamental right of the Christian is the right to the whole Faith. The fundamental obligation that stems therefrom is the allegiance of all, especially of Church’s ministers, to the totality of the unadulterated Faith.

Only thus can the fundamental right of the faithful be preserved - the right to receive the Faith, to celebrate the liturgy of the Faith, and not to be exposed to the private opinions of the Church’s ministers. All other freedoms in the Church are subject to this basic freedom.

As for the world, the Church must defend the right to freedom of religion in a double sense: on the other hand, as the right to choose one’s religion freely in the sense of Vatican Council II’s statement on religious freedom; on the other hand, positively as the right to believe and to live as a believing Christian.

In this context belongs also the classic theme of the libertas ecclesiae, THE CHURCH’S RIGHT TO BE CHURCH AND TO EXIST IN HER OWN WAY.

The right to believe is at the heart of human freedom; where this right is lacking, it is only logical that all the other rights of freedom will also founder. This right is, at the same time, the true gift of freedom that the Christian Faith has brought into the world.

It was the Church that first severed the identification of state and religion, thus depriving the state of its totality, and, by separating faith from the political sphere, ensured to us that privacy of our own being with God and before God in which God calls us by a name that no one else knows (Rev 3:17).

FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE IS THE CORE OF ALL FREEDOM. Church authorities have, ultimately, no other task than to facilitate the ready perception of the divine will in conscience; to make conscience audible, pure, and free, and so to lead man to himself by leading him to God. Where ecclesial authority performs its task well and conscience is pure, the antimony of freedom and constraint will no longer exist.

George H. Kubeck

2- A Shameful Insight into Obama's HHS Mandate

2- A Shameful Insight into Obama’s HHS Mandate
The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone,  Birth of Mary - Sat. Sept. 6/12

We conclude with the most shameful policy promotion of the Obama Presidency.

The federal government has it exactly backward. Let look at the evidence: First, there are declining levels of female happiness, best summarized in a paper by University of Pennsylvania economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers.

The study shows that women are not only less happy than they were fifty years ago, but less happy relative to men, as well over the same time period. Were increases in sexual liberty for women a key determinant of happiness (sufficiently key to raise birth control above even life-saving medicines for federal favor), a simple time-series graph correlating the percentage of women using contraception in the U.S. with the percentage of women reporting themselves as “happy” would show a direct relationship.

Instead, we have more women accessing birth control but less female happiness as described above. This is not to suggest that women’s happiness overall does not depend on a host of factors. Of course it does. It is simply to say that if contraception assumed the degree of positive importance in women’s lives ascribed to it by today’s frenzied political advocates and interest groups, one would expect to see some sort of correlation between its exploding availability since the 1960s and levels of female happiness.

Second: even though conventional wisdom holds that sexualityism is “scientific.” whereas religion-or any theory linking the meaning of sex with its structure (i.e., the intimate union of woman and man) or outcomes (i.e. partner bond, babies) - is irrational, the conventional wisdom fails to account for the ideological roots of sexualityism are in the work of Sigmund Freud, who believed in freeing humans from sexual repression as a way of curing neurosis.

To put it mildly, Freud has been called into question by credible critics, such as Richard Webster and Juliet Mitchell. His work is taught in many universities, but is disappearing from the psychology department according to a survey reported in the New York Times. Some even consider Freud a deliberate fraud.

Further, evidence about what does correlate with human happiness shows a robust relationship between marriage and religious commitment, and happiness, for women and men. (See, for example, Arthur Brooks’s Gross National Happiness. This only makes sense. People are more than their bodily impulses, their nervous systems, or their momentary desires. They are a complex integration of body and mind, both body and soul, body and spirit (or however one wishes to phrase this union). Religious beliefs, and the associated drive to live them with integrity and to practice them in action, are therefore and unsurprisingly an important constitutive factor in human happiness.

The irony is rich: religious citizens and institutions are called reductionists or physicalists by their detractors, but it is instead those who reduce women’s happiness, freedom, and equality to experiencing a substantial number and variety of uncommitted and/or no procreative sexual encounters who should wear this badge.

Third: though the White House touts women’s equality as freedom from childbearing (celebrating the anniversary of the abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, President Obama stated: “Our daughters must have the same opportunities as our sons”), the social and economic is clear that achieving this result through large-scale birth control and abortion programs also means more casual sex, more no marital pregnancy, and more abortion (all of which America is witnessing). Yet the main driver of male-female commitment is parents’ care for the babies they make together… the utter irrationality of the federal government’s vaulting sexual expressionism over religious freedom in the name of women’s equality and happiness.

And make no mistake about it, the backlash against fingering sexualityism is real. Salon featured headline: “Birth Control’s Worst Enemy.” … I am the worst kind of self-loathing, woman hating, celibate-male-mouthpiece prude, who wouldn’t know good sex if it slapped her on the face…

George H. Kubeck, This column originally appeared at Public Discourse. Check the whole letter.