Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Difference between a RINO* and a CINOP^

The Difference between a RINO* and a CINOP^
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012

Preface: There really isn’t any difference when both are pro-choice and for same-sex marriage. You can learn a lot from listening to talk radio. (Dennis Prager) Yesterday, the shocking news from France. Believe it not Mother and Father are to be banned from French legal documents. Don’t you understand? You hurt the feelings of those who are for same-sex marriage? How about the feelings of 97-98% of the rest of the population. This is sick. It will happen in America if President Obama is reelected. He will replace two or three Supreme Court Justices. We already have two of his clones on the Supreme Court.

OK, let’s go to the reality of the Republican party in California which fights with one hand tied behind its back in the battle with the Leftists a.k.a. CINOPs that control the California Democratic party. Check out the 47th Congressional which includes Orange County. [*Republican-in-name-only]

Eric Bradley, Staff Writer for the Long Beach Press Telegram article* dated 9/14/12, “State Sen. Alan Lowenthal, Long Beach Councilman Gary DeLong in congressional debate ” - - 1-562-714-2104 -

Democratic state Sen. Alan Lowenthal equated a vote for Republican Long Beach Councilman Gary DeLong with casting a ballot for far right conservatives in Washington, launching a sharp attack at a congressional debate on Thursday night. [^Catholic-in-name-only-politician]

Lowenthal conceded that his rival held socially moderate views SUCH AS GAY MARRIAGE and that DeLong doesn’t support REPEALING OBAMA’S HEALTH CARE LAW, …

DeLong insisted he was a “maverick” not bound to leaders such as Speaker John Boehner… Lowenthal and DeLong are vying for the 47th congressional district, newly created after redistricting. The district extends from Long Beach to Westminster. [ including areas surrounding city Stanton]

At times, the candidates gave matching answers to questions, like when both spoke against a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a women…

DeLong though casting the idea of more taxes as a last resort, criticized Ryan’s budget as well, saying the plan has “room for improvement” and is undesirable…

Asked about the environment and fostering a “green” economy, DeLong said in his personal life, his home has solar panels and he drives a hybrid vehicle. As a councilman, he voted to ban plastic bags in Long Beach. Tax incentives and regulatory measures could prompt environmental-friendly businesses, DeLong said, but lawmakers should take care not to overreach. [Is he for Cap and Trade] “Our economy is stagnant is this state,” DeLong said…

Both candidates decried the growing influence of corporate money in elections in response to a question about the U.S. Supreme Court case two years ago that lifted many restrictions and disclosure requirements on political spending…

DeLong expanded his take from a well-known aspect of the decision which defines corporations as people in terms of political speech, and said that all special interest groups - including environmental organizations and unions - wield too much influence on elections…


George H. Kubeck, I talked to the writer Eric Bradley at 3 P.M. and he said DeLong is also pro-choice. "Cinops be gone" will not vote for DeLong.

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