Friday, September 28, 2012

Latinos Will Oppose Obamacare Mandates If

Latinos Will Oppose Obamacare Mandates If
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, Sept. 28, 2012

The full headline in “The Wanderer‘s” article by Dexter Duggan, March 15/12 is: Young Activist Says … Latinos will oppose Obamacare Mandates if Clergy Press Forward.

Phoenix - “Latinos can be a valuable ally in opposing the Obamacare mandates if bishops and priests keep making the point against Barack Obama’s attack on religious institutions, a young Latina told The Wanderer.”

“Many Latinos take their religion seriously, and if the clergy keep bringing Obama’s betrayal of the Church to their attention, this could raise more obstacles to his plan to force abortifacients, sterilization, and “free” contraceptives into religious organizations’ health-care plans, said Faith Burton.

“Burton, a 23-year-old Latina who recently earned a degree in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University, is a panelist on a weekly Latino radio program here. Obama’s emphasis that is a regrettable condition or a punishment is “not what I see in my everyday life” among Latino households, Burton said in a March 3 interview…

“Burton recalled Obama’s comment in 2008 that he didn’t want his daughters “punished with a baby” if they “make a mistake.” Many Latinos originally supported Obamacare because Obama promised to have strong conscience protections in it, Burton said, but “he’s going back on his word.”…

“The Church “standing in the way of Obama on this issue” is “already making a lot of people reassess their opinion on it.” she said…. Clergy need to make sure their congregations know how serious the issue is so Catholic will take action, Burton said…Burton pointed to comments by Rev, Samuel Rodriguez, of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conf., which represents around 15 million Hispanic evangelicals.

“A February story at the Daily Caller web site said Rodriguez said Obama’s order, “has caused an incredible amount of consternation and angst in the Hispanic community…It is un-American to tell my pastor, my minister, my priest, that they have to violate what they believe in.”…The federal government is coming after us …. It is an unprecedented level of intrusion into the free exercise of religion…. Across the board, our conversation is that is a line too far.”

“Burton told The Wanderer … “I do think that the Catholic Church really needs to point out … we as an institution, and the voters in America, [believe] … this is violating our morality and beliefs,” said… all her friends “grew up with a bootstrap mentality,” to hold down not only one, but two or even three jobs if that’s what it took to get ahead and “get your family further.”

“However, many Latinos often have voted for liberal Democrats, who promote Obama’s Culture of Death and opposition to traditional religion….”

George H. Kubeck - I got an idea. Let’s imagine this HHS Mandate was pushed by Republicans who also support the intrinsic evils of partial-birth abortion and same-sex marriage. Would reelecting a CINOP like Loretta Sanchez in any U.S. diocese cause a serious crisis of blame, shame upon whom?

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