Monday, September 10, 2012

The Twilight Zone of Education, Science, and Politics

The Twilight Zone of Education, Science, and Politics
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, Sept. 10, 2012

Americans live in two worlds. One is in the twilight zone and the other is the real world. Imagine you are a parent or grandparent and you are sitting in a California elementary class as a kindergartener or first grader. You return to class in January, 2013. is a project of - P.O. Box 511, Sacramento, California 95812 - promoting private or church schools and home schooling.

A. Parents, take notice! There are reasons to be concerned about having your child in public schools. A new sexual indoctrination law (SB 48), is impacting all children in public schools, mandates that kids be taught to admire: lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.” This new indoctrination starts in January. There is no parental consent.

1. Your child will be subjected to sexual indoctrination. With SB 48’s “LGBT” role models, California now has EIGHT state laws promoting homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality to children as young as kindergarten, with no parental consent.

2.Your child is unlikely to learn to read proficiently. California ranks 46th in the nation in fourth grade reading proficiency, with roughly 3 out 4 students (76%) failing to read at grade level -- despite California teachers being among the highest paid in the U.S.

3.Your child will be greatly subjected to negative peer pressure. Children public schools are more likely to have earlier experience and develop negative habits in these areas: lying, cussing, cheating, excessive dieting, wearing revealing clothes, pornography, sexual activity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and even violence.

B. And now for the twilight zone in Science: We know for a fact that science is muzzled from exposing a definite relationship of women’s breast cancer to abortion. I want to focus on what the Obama regime is promoting directly and indirectly with excerpts of the two letters just published on the blog tiled, “A Shameful Insight into Obama’s HHS Mandate.”

The Definition: “Sexual expressionism/sexualityism” is defined as that sex should not only be free of the slightest reflection on its link with procreation, but also free of commitment, or even the real possibility of a relationship between the man and the women involved.

“Equal sexual liberty” is that “women will and should have lots more sexual intercourse lifestyle, than they have interest in conceiving children …[that] sexual license should never impede a woman’s lifestyle, at least no more than it does a man’s.

Helen Alvare* argued in her article that this is destructive and at odds with all known social & human sciences. Yet the Obama regime of Czars is promoting this & that groups & individuals who support practices that are closely associated with human happiness and freedom (religion & marital sexual intimacy) ARE IRRATIONAL AND UNSCIENTIFIC.

C. The CINOP lives in the Twilight Zone and his/her vote is responsible for the above. Send him/her a postcard or letter. I or We Censor You! You are a Catholic-in-name-only politician! Please do not use the Catholic label when you run for office! Sincerely yours,

George H. Kubeck - *Helen is publicly insulted as a woman hating, celibate-male-mouthpiece prude.

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