Thursday, September 20, 2012

2- The Twilight Zone President Barack Obama

2- Twilight Zone President Barack Obama

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thurs. Sept. 20, 2012

Let’s check out the definition of a twilight zone person. In a previous letter, a Knights of Columbus/Marist poll shows a majority of Americans disagreeing with Obama’s views on abortion. He has only 12% support for the following bill which he promoted. “A baby born alive as a result of a botched abortion is not entitled to health care. To be specific, they can let the baby die on the doctor’s table. That’s entirely OK with Barack.”

Isn’t that also called partial-birth abortion and infanticide? Do we want an infanticide president? Now the mindset of Mother Teresa was that the greatest evil in the world was abortion, the killing of the unborn. Thankfully, we have 88 % of the country believe in significant restrictions on the procedure. Let’s proceed further in understanding this mindset of President B. Obama.

1) Obama is promoting the principles of sexualityism which is a commitment to uncommitted, unencumbered, inconsequential sex for women and men. This is a free pass for men to behave as animals and women get hurt in the process. “Sexual license should never impede a woman’s lifestyle, at no more that it does a man’s.”

As stated in a previous letter, Sat. Sept. 6/12, 2- A Shameful Insight into Obama’s HHS Mandate - Celebrating the anniversary of abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, President Obama stated: “Our daughters must have the same opportunities as our sons, the social and economic is clear that achieving this result through large-scale birth control and abortion programs also means more casual sex, more no marital pregnancy, and more abortion (all of which America is witnessing today). Yet the main driver of male-female commitment is parents’ care for the babies they make together…” the utter irrationality of the federal government’s vaulting sexual expressionism over religious freedom in the name of women’s equality and happiness.

Helen Alvarez suffered the backlash against fingering sexualityism by being called, “The worst kind of self-loathing, woman hating, celibate-male-mouthpiece prude.” Defend her.

2) On the 50th anniversary of the decision to kick prayer out of public schools, the President Obama decided to show parents what it’s been replaced with. During a speech at New Hampshire’s Oyster River High School, the leader of the free world stunned everyone by using his speech as a lesson in sex education.

“To a packed auditorium, the President told teenagers that they have the “final say” in “every single challenge that we face.” Then, in an almost Dan Savage-like ambush, the President launches into an advertisement for contraception, homosexuality, and abortion giant Planned Parenthood. “You can decide that instead of restricting access to birth control or defunding Planned Parenthood, we should make sure in this country, women control their own health care choices. That’s up to you … You can decide whether we go back to the days when you could be kicked out of the United States military just because of who you are and you love.”

“Consider how inappropriate that is. The President of the U.S. visited a public high school with intent of promoting sexual activity to underage kids without their parents being present or giving consent. That’s absolutely outrageous! It’s one thing for the administration to push an agenda in conflict with the majority of Americans’ values. But it’s another thing entirely when the President promotes that same sexual liberalism to a roomful of teenagers. The fact that the President would come to Oyster High and choose to shill for Planned Parenthood shows the administration’s complete and utter disdain for parental rights. As our nation’s leader, his role is to inspire young people to great exploits - not exploit them for the Left’s cultural and political purposes.” (Tony Perkins, Washington Update, June 27, 2012)

George H. Kubeck - “The U.S.A. is on the verge of becoming a combination of Greece and Sweden where almost anything goes, and fiscal responsibility is a joke.” Bill O’Reilly

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