Wednesday, September 26, 2012

No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom

No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012

I bought 500 copies of the Mindszenty Report*, Sept. 2012. Excerpts from Phyllis Schlafly:

1. Is their a difference between religious liberty and religious worship? (Wall of Separation)

The president is trying to limit what the First Amendment means. He says he is in favor of freedom of worship. What he means is that you can go to a church and say a prayer. This is different from religious liberty which means speaking about religion in public… Obama is trying to confine religious practice with the 4 walls of our churches… When families visited their wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. they were not allowed to bring a Bible with them…. At military funerals the chaplains have been instructed they cannot mention the name of Jesus.

2. How important are his judges to our religious liberty? (Judicial Bias)

The bias against Christianity runs deep in the Obama administration. His appointments of judges are harmful to our religious freedom…. Federal judge David Hamilton … developed this philosophy while with the ACLU. His bias against religion is legendary. He banned the Indiana State House from using the name of Jesus Christ in invocations. But invoke “Allah” was alright with him.

3. What do you mean by your term coercive secularism? (A Fireman; a Prayer)

I think Obama is trying to turn us into a secular society where no one can talk about religion in public… When he recites the Declaration of Independence, he often omit’s the word Creator… He issued his Thanksgiving Proclamation, it was never clear whom he was thanking. But it is clear it’s not God he was thanking!…

4. How will Obama’s health care bill affect religious institutions? (Obama’s Higher Power)

As for the controversial mandate in Obamacare, it requires all employers to provide health insurance for all their employees that include coverage for contraceptives, abortifacients, sterilization and all other procedures, which are contrary to the beliefs of many religious. Why should religious institutions have to pay for things that violate their teachings? Higher Power is not God but the Federal Government.

5. Does this make the Government the final arbiter of what’s acceptable for religious bodies? (The Naked Public Square)

That is why I wrote this book. There are a lot of books that discuss Obama’s socialist background but none has treated in depth his abuse of religious freedom. Obama is trying to rid the nation of all forms of religious expression in the public square. This has been going for many years in the courts because of litigation by the ACLU and atheist organizations, which have been trying to eliminate all mention of God, like from our motto In God we trust… I am convinced his goal is to eliminate public religious displays from American life… He cancelled the White House observance of the National Day of Prayer that has been supported by presidents of both parties.

6. Has President Obama violated his constitutional duty with regard to the Defense of Marriage Act? (A Constitutional Violation)

DOMA was passed in 1990 with an overwhelming majority and signed into law by Bill Clinton. It is clear that Obama is determined to change this traditional definition of marriage. He has ordered his Justice Department not to defend the Act in courts while the Democrats try to repeal it.

7. How does the Obama administration define the term social justice? (The Power of Words)

The left is clever at changing the meaning of words. Just look what they did to the word liberal, which used to be a good word. Now it is synonymous with big government an no politician want to be called a liberal… It was Alinsky’s 1971 book, Rules for Radicals, that served for many years as the “bible” for community organizers, especially our President. Incidentally, did you know that Alinsky dedicated his book to LUCIFER, THE WORLD’S FIRST RADICAL…

George H. Kubeck - *500- 4 pages for only $42.50 - 314-727-6279

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