Saturday, September 1, 2012

Make the Call - Save California!

Make the Call - Save California!
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure for our children and parental rights not only in California but throughout the nation.

The poison of liberal progressivism is amok in the nation. Listen to Dennis Prager for daily updates on KLAC 870 -M-F - 9 to 12 noon. Thanks to Capitol Resources Institute for informing us about these five bills. - 660 J Street, Suite 250, Sacramento, Ca. 95814 - Please donate!

Call on Governor Jerry Brown* to veto these five bills. They are the tip of the iceberg not only for California but for the nation. Messages need to come from natives, ex-Californians, and citizens from all other states. Why? This will happen in your own state. We have 30 days to persuade a veto.

It is hard enough living in this state that is financially, morally and intellectual bankrupt. I believe all Americans are dealing with a future Greece a.k.a. California.

Here is the mindset of the Legislators the Lord has punished us with in California!

SB 623 adds nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, and physician assistants, to the list of those allowed to perform first trimester aspiration abortions. This bill expands the number of abortions performed in California. It is a threat to the unborn and a threat to the health of women. (Do the Liberal Progressives in the Democratic Presidential Convention coming together this week in Charlotte, North Carolina really care about the health of women?)

AB 1856 requires foster parents to be trained in cultural competency and sensitivity related to LGBT lifestyles. Foster parents do not need to attend training on LGBT lifestyles to be able to provide adequate care and love for foster children. This bill is another way for legislators to force their radical agenda. These two bills are sitting on the Governor’s desk waiting a veto, to be signed into law, or to become law without any action.

SB 1172 limits counselors on how they are legally allowed to counsel those struggling with sexuality, especially minors. “The attack on parental rights is exactly the whole point of the bill because we don’t want to let parents harm their children,” Senator Ted Lieu told the Orange County Register. Senator Lieu just admitted what we all knew to be true. This bill is a blatant attempt to take away you rights as a parent.

SB 1476 was introduced by Senator Leno. This bill would allow a child to have more than two legal parents. The proponents of this bill are aiming to extend parental rights to a child’s biological parent’s same-sex partner. This is yet another attempt to break down the traditional definition of the family.

AB 2109 seeks to take away a parent’s right to opt out of vaccinations. This bill requires parents who would like to opt out of vaccines to fill out a form that requires a healthcare official’s signature to do so. This makes it more difficult for parents to opt out of vaccines for their children.

George H. Kubeck,
*Governor Jerry Brown, Tel. 916-445-2841, Fax: 916-558-3160 - - Gov. Jerry Brown, c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA. 95814 - Brown has a complicated e-mail.

What made the above bills possible are a slew of nominal Catholic politicians. They use the Catholic label to get elected. Evangelical, Baptist or Mormon leaders wouldn’t put up with this deceit. In California, we have so-called Catholic lay leaders with no backbone. This business of dealing with the CINOP who is also indirectly responsible for the HHS Mandate must come to an end on Nov. 6th.

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