Friday, September 21, 2012

Legal Immigrants United Against Obama

Legal Immigrants United Against Obama

In pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone - Feast of St. Matthew - Friday, Sept. 21, 2012

This is the first in a series. Where do I start? I love this country. I came to be an American and not an Obama European. Other immigrants can write similar stories.

Let’s start with the immigrants who entered in the 1950s only and later became U.S. citizens. I came in 1958 from Canada.

Remember in the 1950s we had the Cold War with Communist Russia. It was America that stood in the way of these international and our local communists like Alger Hiss. Otherwise, the second language of the world today would be Russian. Remember this.

Obama wants to change the very soul of an American. That is a very serious charge. I’ve studied this guy and the CINOP for years and the truth hurts.

How dare Obama try to change human nature and nature’s God with his policies?

I wrote about this Pied Piper before. He came unto the scene with his hope, change and transformation message.

He is a powerful orator. His pied piper music influenced our children to vote for him and many persuaded their parents to do so in 2008.

He wants to change the American Motto of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to the French revolutionary one of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

I love our Founding Fathers, particularly Alexander Hamilton who was also a kind of an immigrant. He was involved in building our free enterprise system, the Constitution and was George Washington’s right hand man even to the writing of the Farewell Address.

If you saw the movie “2016 Obama” you will find out Obama’s Founding Fathers include Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and four others.

Obama is an apostle of the ACLU. Get God out of traditional America; and change it into what. They have already taken prayer out of our schools. Without Christmas, In God We Trust, One Nation Under God, where would this country be?

You saw what happened at the Democratic Convention. They originally took God out of the Democratic Platform, and then put God back in again for election purposes. And this is the party the mainstream media wants us to vote for.

Let’s stop being fools for the mainstream media. At least 60% of informed voters do not trust them. They do influence up to 5 % or more of voters. Do you remember the mainstream media’s Democratic reportage of the war in Iraq? With that kind of reporting in World War II, the Nazi-Germans and the Imperial-Japanese would have won the war!

A vote against Obama would also be a decisive defeat of the Obama propaganda machine - this two-faced-double-standard news media. Don’t include Fox news.

Recall how they censured the pro-life movement in January for decades and anything pro-family and normal marriage. Anathema to their brainwashing of America with the culture of death agenda! [partial-birth/infanticide abortion- S-S-Marriage etc.]

Obama is the Food Stamp President of the United States. What a shameful process to change the soul of America to be dependent on government the new God. When it becomes to creating job and encouraging our free enterprise system, Obama is an Amateur. Bill Clinton thinks likewise. Bill gave the title to the book I read.

George H. Kubeck - Post your thoughts in the comment section.

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