Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama's War on Religious Freedom - 2 - No Higher Power

Obama’s War on Religious Freedom - 2 - No Higher Power
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012

This classic and shocking book by Phyllis Schlafly and George Neumayr is available on or or call 618-462-5415, $25. ppd. Here are several significant excerpts:

Religion: Obama is a secularist ideologue first and a Christian second, if at all. (p. 5) His toxic admixture of socialism and secularism - on ideology that he learned from his family, radical professors, his chosen pastor and Saul Alinsky, among others --- explains his habitual violation of the American people’s God-given freedom and portends the even grimmer violation yet to come. (p. 6) The Administration takes the view that contraception and abortifacients are morally good and that the state is perfectly justified in mandating such moral goods. (p. 13)

Character: On one level, Obama appears like a harmless, if glib and empty pol, who careens from focus group to pollster as he stumbles toward a second term. On another level, buried deep within his curious and amorphous personality, he is a man of perverse tenacity, a convinced socialist and secularist who was trained long ago to run the ball into the end zone for radicalism. (p. 18)

Hope and Change: Saul Alinsky’s worldview was that the United States is an oppressive and racist society where most people (the “Have-Nots) are victims of economic injustice with a future of despair. He wanted a radical change of America’s social and economic structure, and he planned to achieve that through creating public discontent and moral confusion. (p. 63)

Islam: Obama’s absurd Islamphobia has worsened America’s relationship with Israel. Obama is forever condemning Israel for this or that act of “brutality” even as he calls Islam a religion of peace. (p. 104) Obama seems to see himself as the cosmopolitan dilittante who stands above all religions and judges their “rationality” by their usefulness to the socialist utopia to come. Islam is a flawless religion by his lights, while Christianity, unless it assumes the platform of the Democratic Party and sees Jesus Christ as a forerunner to Saul Alinsky, is dangerously bigoted and an impediment to progress. (p. 106)

Liberal Elite: In May 2012, Newsweek ran a cover photo of Barack Obama crowned with a halo. ‘The First Gay President,’ beamed the headline below the photo. The smugness and delusion of the liberal elite had reached new heights with their magazine cover. A boast the Founding Fathers would have considered a baffling insult was welcomed by the White House as proof of Obama’s rectitude. (p. 109) Obama’s supposed respect for the integrity of religious ‘sacraments’ isn’t worth taking seriously. Under the nanny state, nothing remains private for long. (p.116)

Social Justice: Left-wing educators have redefined the term to mean teaching for social justice by overthrowing the current money and power structure. Education Week identifies this new meaning of ‘social justice’ as coming from the writings of the British educator Paulo Freire. His best known book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970), is considered a classic text of radical education theory and is regularly assigned in education schools. (p.132) Social justice is the secular substitute for Christian morality and ethics and will be used in a second Obama term to further the advance of the state against free markets and the free exercise of religion. (p. 138)

Judges: Obama has said that his judicial appointments must possess ‘empathy,’ but the religious receive no such ‘empathy’ under the judicial supremacists. His judges only reserve empathy for the opponents of Judeo-Christian religious expression. (p. 152)

ObamaCAre: Health Care Czar admits that redistributing health care means rationing health care, which is why he has been called a ‘one-man death panel.’ He admitted the decision is not whether or not we will ration care - the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open. (p. 163)

George H. Kubeck, It’s the two-faced double-standard news media that got Obama elected. It’s a tragedy. They are trying to do the same for his re-election. We can dispatch both with a decisive turn-out vote in November. Believe me an ounce of prevention with Obama’s defeat is worth a million pounds of cure from a depression.

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