Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Fight for Our Lives*

The Fight for Our Lives*
The relentless pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone - Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012

When you finish reading Chapter 1 of this book* by Bill Bennett & Seith Leibsohn and you are an American patriot, the information will drive you up the wall. It will help you understand our President’s policy in the Mideast. And on second thought the fight for our lives, our freedom and our country are what this presidential election is all about. *Knowing the Enemy, Speaking Truth & Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam

“In the early morning of November 5, 2009, U.S. Army major Dr. Nidal Hasan left his apartment in Killeen, Texas, to attend morning prayers at his mosque. Several hours later, he walked into the Soldier Readiness Center at Fort Hood, he sat down, he bowed his head, and then he stood up and shot and killed thirteen of his fellow Americans, plus and unborn child - fourteen in all. He wounded thirty more, emptying some hundred rounds into his victims. As he fired, he shouted, “Allahu Akbar [Allah is Great]!”

This, the second-worst terrorist attack on America in eight years, took place at a medical facility - at a U.S. Army fort - in the middle of Texas. p. 1



“The Pentagon, as one would expect, created an after-action investigation into the causes and problems that led to the Fort Hood massacre…

Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood was released in January, 2010: …

“In its eighty-six pages, not once does the report actually mention Hasan’s name. Instead he is referred to simply, almost indeterminately, as “a gunman,” just like any other random perpetrator of homicide. But Hasan’s name is not the most glaringly absent name, phrase, or term in the report but buried in an endnote in the title of one of the many scholarly papers cited in the report. The word Muslim appears nowhere in the report; neither do the words jihad or Middle East.

“There are two basic problems with the grotesque non-report on the Islamist-terror massacre at Fort Hood,” said military analyst Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Ralph Peters, “It’s not about what happened at Fort Hood. It avoids entirely the issue of why it happened.”

“In reading the report, one is practically forced to ask if it were even written with the Fort Hood massacre in mind… The report was a studiously exquisite effort to whitewash what actually happened and what actually caused the problem…

“An Islamic terrorist was raised in the United States and because of political correctness, was given a pass throughout his professional career in the United States military. His allegiance was not to his country but to his radical religion… We must end this infection of the mind where we no longer call things by their proper names… The bottom line is this: the words Islam, terrorism, or even their modified forms such as radical Islam, and the violence that these philosophies fuel, are being shunted aside, made ineffable, and hushed from high to low.” p. 16-18. [The above is just a tip of the iceberg.]

George H. Kubeck - Down with Political Correctness, Lies, and Secular Policies for National Suicide.
I just saw, “The Last Ounce of Courage” - an appropriate film for freedom and righteousness,

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