Sunday, September 16, 2012


In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012

The article by Martin Wisckol in the Orange County Register, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012 is a classic. It should be viewed as a blueprint for leaders replacing not only the Leftist politicians in California but throughout the nation. But before I share excerpts, let me read from my Nook, Dennis Prager’s book, “Still the Best Hope.” p. 159 of 416.

“If black Americans come to believe that America is a land of opportunity in which racism has been largely conquered, it would be a catastrophic for the Democrats. The day that most black Americans no longer view America the way the Left and the Democratic party portray it - as an essentially racist society - will be the day Democrats lose almost all hope of winning a nat. election.

“If women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party. Single women are an essential component of any Democratic victory. To cite a close election, in 2004, unmarried women voted for the Democrat John Kerry by a 25 - point margin (62-27), while married women voted for President Bush by an 11 point margin (55-44). After women marry, they are more like to abandon Leftist views and to vote Republican. And if they then have children, they will vote Republican in even more lopsided numbers.

“If immigrants assimilate, it is not good for Democrats. The Democratic Party is invested in Latino separatism. The more Latino immigrants come to feel fully American, the less likely they are to vote Democratic. The liberal notion of multiculturalism helps Democrats, while the adoption of the American ideal of E Pluribus Unum help Republicans.

The Article by Martin Wisckol: “House Speaker John Boehner and House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrel Issa were the big podium attractions at the California delegation’s brunch Tuesday in St. Pete, at the delegation’s hotel for the Republican National Convention.

“But equally rousing at the podium was conservative radio personality Dennis Prager. Prager preceded Boehner and Issa and set the bar high, spending much of his time defining Republicanism and drawing distinctions between the GOP and Democrats.

“This drives me crazy when they talk about compassion,” he said. “Who gives more charity? Republicans or Democrats? We give more charity, we volunteer more, we adopt more.” Part of his condemnation of most government handouts. “You earn happiness. That’s why lottery winners end up unhappy. It’s better to earn a Chevrolet than win a Mercedes.”

“Prager spoke of how secularism and the declining role of religion in daily life are leading to lower birthrates and pointed at Europe as an example. He dismissed the idea that fertility rates decline as population grew wealthier. “Rich Mormons produce a lot of children.” he said. [like wise rich Catholics, rich Jews and rich Evangelicals]

“Delegate Scott Baugh, chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County was dressed for his morning run and stood with me in the back of the tented pavilion for much of Prager’s talk. “I love this guy.” said Baugh, who has featured Prager as a keynote speaker at one of the county party’s Flag Day dinners. “His message is the Republican Party’s message. Everything he says is rooted in limited government and liberty.”

“But what about Republicans who don’t share all of Prager’s conservative views? “You have to have some standards, moderates deviate from that.” Baugh said. “You have core principles on the left & the right, & the moderates deviate from that, Dennis Prager speaks from our core principles.”

George H. Kubeck, Chairman Baugh, we have a most serious problem in my 47th congressional district. It is obvious that Gary DeLong was not vetted by you or the Republican voters. Check it out.…

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