Friday, September 14, 2012

A Nat. Secular Religion of Humanism is Unconstitutional

A National Secular Religion of Humanism is Unconstitutional
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, Sept. 14, 2012

Preface: It is against the First Amendment to the Constitution to promote or be a an apostle for a no-God or atheistic society religion and have the government of the United States be a champion for this mentality. That is what the ACLU and their other apostles in the American culture are doing directly and indirectly. I have stated my opinion.

Bill Donohue is the President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. He has written a number of books including “The Politics of the ACLU”, and “Secular Sabotage: How Liberals Are Destroying Religious and Culture in America.” In the kind of America we live in today, it is a necessity to be a member of the Catholic League.*

The Catalyst is their monthly Journal. In the September 2012, Bill answers questions and answers. Read closely Bill’s answers.

1. Question: Besides abortion, there’s been a lot of questions about the Obama administration redefining what qualifies as a religious institution. Can you speak to that?

Why, yes. Quite frankly, the most pernicious thing the Obama administration has done is to redefine what qualifies as a religious institution for the purpose of an exemption.

The Obama administration says that a Catholic institution is not Catholic unless it hires and serves people mostly of its own faith. Now that is to turn on its head the virtue of Catholic institutions.

We are proud of the fact that we do not discriminate in our social service agencies, soup kitchen, Catholic universities and colleges. We don’t discriminate against people because they are Protestants or Jewish, or atheist, agnostic, or Muslim or Mormon. We welcome everybody and that is what I find so perverse…

What do they want us to do, put up signs saying, “No Jews Need Apply”, No Protestants are welcome in our hospitals”? … They want to punish us for being Catholic with a small c, meaning universal? No we can’t put up with this.

2. Question: Bill, where’d they get this idea in the first place?

Amazingly, Jeff - this will come as a surprise, or maybe not a major surprise to some people - It came from the ACLU, the American Civil Liberties Union; it has been hostile to freedom of religion for a very long time, going back to 1920. The ACLU - let me digress here for a moment - I’ve written a Ph.D. dissertation and two books on the ACLU. I interviewed the founder the ACLU, Roger Baldwin, in June of 1978...

He founded the organization of 1920, and I asked him, “Mr. Baldwin your organization in its first 10 objectives … never mentioned that other component of the First Amendment called freedom of religion. Why not?” He was blunt. He said, “That’s because I’m an atheist. We don’t value freedom of religion.”…

Just to show you how absurd the ACLU is on this, they are actually against “In God We Trust” on the coins; they want “under God” taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance…

George H. Kubeck - * - Next to the two-faced double-standard news media (N.Y. Times and L.A. Times); the ACLU is the most dangerous organization in the United States.

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