Sunday, September 9, 2012

Barack Hussein McGovern

Barack Hussein McGovern
In pursuit of righteousness - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012

Preface: Nixon was able to do it in 1972; Romney can do in 2012, provided his campaign is smart.* Quotations are taken from Mark Stricherz article in the Weekly Standard, 8/20/12

“The specter of 1972 is haunting the Obama campaign. Forty years ago this summer, in July 1972, social liberals made their political debut at the Democratic National Convention.” This year in a loud voice vote they took God out of the Democratic Platform.

“Representative James O’Hara of Michigan, the 46 year old chairman of a reform commission on party rules, said after the election McGovern’s association with the counterculture doomed his presidential bid: “The American made an association with and association between McGovern and gay lib, and welfare rights, and pot-smoking, and black militants, and women’s lib, and wise college kids, and everything else they saw as threatening their value system. I think it was all over right then and there.”…

“In an interview in May, senior campaign adviser described the strategy this way: “We’re gonna say, ‘Let’s be clear what [Mitt Romney] would do as president,” he told New York magazine. “Potentially abortion will be criminalized. Women will be denied contraceptive services. He’s far right on immigration. He supports efforts to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage … Besides the administration’s mandate of free contraception and sterilization services in health insurance policies and Obama’s coming out in favor of marriage equality… running ads in swing states that accuse Romney of being an extremist on abortion.” “Is running on social liberalism the royal road to 270 electoral votes.?”.. Is not America 40% conservative and 20% liberal? Is not 50% of the country pro-life and about 45% pro-choice? Didn’t 30 normal States vote to keep the definition of marriage as between a man and woman? Note Romney advisors: all of the above included independent voters.

“According to an NBC News/Wall Street poll in July, one in five voters said that the “decline of moral and religious values” is one of their biggest worries… which outstripped their worries about the “increasing role of government” and “lack of safety/terrorist threats.”

“Gay marriage is the issue most likely to hurt Obama. After his announcement on May 9 … Gallup concluded that “his new position is more of a net minus than a net plus for him.” Although 11% of independents and 2% of Republicans told pollsters they were more likely to vote for him, 23 % of independents and 10% of Democrats said they were less likely.” … in the swing state Florida (in a Quinnipiac poll) in late May, 23% of independents and 7% of Democrats said they were less like to vote for Obama.”…

“In Virginia 49% of voters said they disapprove of gay marriage while 42% said they approve of it, according to a June Qinnipiac poll… In Ohio, 50% of voters reject gay marriage and 37% support it, according to a Public Policy Polling study in July… In looking at voters’ attitude towards abortion in the five presidential elections from 1984 to 2000, Gallup concluded that “the issue netted the Republican party’s candidate two to three points in [each] election.”

George H. Kubeck, *The following is not smart. In Virginia, telephone polls by Romney don’t mention life or family issues; direct mail mentions no social issues; TV or Radio ads, no social issues. In 2008 more than one millions conservative evangelical Christians who were registered to vote did not go to the polls. This is according to the Religious Freedom - - Likewise, in Calif. both Loretta and Linda Sanchez are vulnerable for defeat with proper advertising. Among Catholics, these two CINO politicians promote the absolute evils of partial-birth abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, and the conscience rip-off of the HHS mandate which will be implemented with Obamacare in January 2013.

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