Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our President, Family Man, Likeable, Charismatic

Our President, Family Man, Likeable, Charismatic
The relentless pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, Sept. 2, 2012

Preface: Our President is all of the above. Except for abortion, what are some of his other basic beliefs? We really don’t know! Think about the role of the Hollywood expertise in imagery and celebrity-making. How about the role of the two-faced, double standard news media in influencing us about a person? They did a hatchet-job on Sarah Palin.

For the candidate they love, they can do almost anything. For President Bill Clinton, they eliminated the negative sex scandal and focused on the positive. They made him a celebrity President. He is also a smart political person.

I read “Dreams from My Father.” Imagine if it were written by a Conservative. What would the country really come to know about this Conservative?

We have never had a real in-depth interview of our President. Can you imagine Dinesh D’Souza being the interviewer? Let’s call for that interview! So let’s have our own in-depth interview of our President on abortion. It is the only topic that we can pin him down. We will check out three sources and their headlines.

A) - Unearthed audio: Obama calls newborn baby a ‘fetus outside of the womb’ by John Jalsevac, Aug. 24, 2012, Did Obama vote in favor of infanticide?…

B) by Steven Ertelt, Aug. 23, 2012. - That President Barack Obama was the only member of the Illinois legislature to not support a bill to provide medical care for newborns who survived failed late-term abortions is one of the key reasons pro-life voters will never support him. Now, Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack has uncovered new audio of Obama, as a state legislator in Illinois in 2003, defending his position…

C) _article/news/35902/ by Dave Andrusko Mon. Aug. 27, 2012. (Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News.) We will share with you almost the whole article as columnist Rich Lowry writes: “PRESIDENT OBAMA IS AN EXTREMIST ON ABORTION. HE HAS NEVER SUPPORTED ANY MEANINGFUL RESTRICTION ON IT, AND NEVER WILL.”

It is hard to click on political news on the Internet and not be reminded that the Democratic Party is eager to make unlimited support for abortion the calling card for its national convention in North Carolina. [Beginning on Tuesday in Charlotte.]

Pro-abortion President Barack Obama believes the sharp contrast between himself and pro-life team of Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan will redound to his benefit.

National Right to Life agrees that the nation will have a clear choice come November. But NRLC believes the advantage pro-life presidential contestants have consistently enjoyed for decades will continue. Why?

For one important reason, because the electorate is closer in its views on abortion to the pro-life perspective than it is to the pro-abortion view. For another, because the intense focus on abortion over the last week is helping to bring to the surface what was almost entirely buried in 2008: just how extreme Obama has been on abortion-related issues - before he became President and since.

Happy Labor Day Weekend: George H. Kubeck, to be continued today.

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